A Not so Normal Day....

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Lewis' POV:

We were all sat in Yogtowers living room. 'We' being Hannah, Duncan, Simon, Martyn, Paul, Chris, Kim, Zoey Liam Tom and Myself. We were all having a laugh, drinking tea and eating our way through Simon's Jaffa Cake stash, when Duncan spotted a man outside.

Me and Simon walked up to the window to take a closer look at him, to see if he was a as he kept stumbling and falling over his own feet. Upon closer inspection, Simon let out a yell.

"What is it, friend?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Look closely at his head!" Simon exclaimed. I took a closer look and was horrified at what I saw.

The mans skin was a bluey-gray colour, he was missing an arm and half of his face, you could see his brain!

"What the HELL is that?" Duncan yelled. The man turned his head and stumbled over to the door and tried to push it open. He succeeded.

When he got through the door all the Yogs watched him with caution.

Suddenly, he lunged at Zoey and pulled her to the ground. Zoey was screaming.

Zoeys POV:

The thing suddenly lunged at me and pulled me to the ground. It was trying to bite me! I screamed and started to try to push it off of me.I held it back with one hand and reached for a mug off the coffee table. I smashed it into the exposed part of the brain, killing it instantly. I pushed it off of me and inspected its face.

"What the bloody hell was that???" Said a voice from behind me. I turned to see Simon staring at the man.

"I-I don't know... But it looked like A-a zombie.." Hannah said, looking at the corpse confused.

I look around the room to see people starting to worry. I look over to the window and look out.

More of these zombie things are roaming the streets. I can hear the screaming of innocent people. I push Simon away from the window and close the curtains.

I hear Lewis say

"Friends! Calm down!" He's starting to take charge. "I know we have all, at least, watched a zombie film and we know the basics. Make no noise, hit them between the eyes to kill them and we need survival supplies. So here is what we're going to do!"

He pointed to Paul, Chris and Duncan. "Weapons! Anything we can use!" they nod.

Like us, they aren't used to this side of Lewis.

He turns to Me, Hannah and Kim. "Find all the bottles we have a fill them with water. Use my bag to carry them in." we nod, and he continues. "Tom, clear the medicine cupboard and put them in the bag with the water."

"Liam and Martyn. Your getting food. Raid every cupboard in this place. Simon your with me, we're sorting out the cars. Everyone knows what were doing? Good! Lets survive this apocalypse!"

Hey guysssss

It's Lottie and Rosie here!

If you haven't guessed already, then I'll explain it, ITS ZOMBIES AND YOGSCAST!!!!


Lottie and Rosie

PandaLoric x

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