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I lay still in my hospital bed, memories rushing back into my head. Mostly just recent ones. But I felt something missing. Why can't I remember what it is? What am I missing? It was quiet. Deafeningly quiet. Only things you could hear were a few nurses every now and then. I looked out the window. The moon was big, bright, and full.

"Why do I feel so happy with the moon," I ask to nobody. I watched it for what felt like hours before falling back into a deep sleep.


I sat on the cold ground. Laughing filling my ears. Nobody. I had nobody. 

Then the moon started to shine, showing me a path to walk, down the street. Turn left. Turn right. Turn left again. There it was. The gym I loved so much. I stepped in surrounded by my team. Something was missing.

I looked out at the window, there was the moon again. Igniting my soul. I started to run. 

Leaving everything behind. 

Run. Run. Don't let the moon go.

Then it was dark again.

My moon was gone.


I shot up in a cold heavy sweat. My body was burning. A few movements of shuffling was at my side. The blonde wasn't there. It was a nurse checking on me. She had a sweet yet fake smile. Making sure everything was fine before leaving. Where was the blonde?

I spend a lot of my time that day alone. No blonde, no team, nothing. Then it hit me. There's practice today duh. I mentally smacked my head. I waited happily. Wanting to see the faces of my team so badly. Around the time it would end I heard loud voices in the hall. I couldn't help but smile.

"Shhh, he might be sleeping," Daichi-san made the group of rowdy boys hush.

"I'm awake guys," I giggle a little. They came crashing in.

"Yamaguchi," Hinata was the first to burst through the doors. His big smile brightening the dim room by a hundred times.

"Hi Hinata," I smiled and waved. They all froze.

"YOU REMEMBER ME," Hinata jumped onto me, hugging tightly. I groan loudly, hugging back.

"DUMBASS HINATA HE IS STILL IN PAIN," Kageyama pulled Hinata off of me and hit him. They all laughed. Playful banter began through all of us. No blonde today either.

"Where is that tall blonde guy," I asked trying not to sound super interested. They all got quiet.

"Tsukishima," Ennoshita said more as a question. I shrugged and nodded. That is such a long name. I'll call him Tsukki for now. Easier that way.

"He is getting checked out by a nurse, he got in a fight. Do you not remember him," Sugawara explained and sat next to me. I shook my head 'no'. "I thought for sure he would be the first you would remember." Sugawara-san rubbed his chin in curiosity.

"Why, are we close or something," I looked around the room. None of my team mates would even look me in the eyes. 

"You guys are best friends," Tanaka finally stepped forward holding a single finger up on each hand. "You two were always together, no matter what," he put the two fingers together with a small smile on his face. The nodding of the other boys confirmed it for me.

My eyes got wide, remembering the other night. He cried because he missed me. The door then opened. There he was covered in scraped and cuts like me. Still in his all black uniform. I looked away feeling my cheeks heating up.

"What happened," he asked. Daichi took him outside to explain. I heard a lot bang then Daichi yelling.

"Stop, you're going to hurt yourself," Daichi shouted, Tanaka and Sugawara running out the door.

"I don't care," a loud, deep roar followed within seconds.

"Tsukishima, stop right now," Sugawara's mom-voice came out. All movements stopped. A more hushed conversation went outside. Then walked in Daichi, Sugawara, and Tanaka. "Tsukishima, now," he did as told. Slowly walking in. His head hung low. He didn't dare look up.

"So we have good news," Daichi-san smiled.

"YOU GET TO COME HOME WITH US," Tanaka and Hinata said together earning laughs from most of the boys in the room. Besides Kageyama who, I don't think I have ever seen laugh. And Tsukki. He was sitting by the window not looking up.

"Here are some clothes to change into," Sugawara handed me a bag filled with practice shorts, a t-shirt, socks, and a random pair of my shoes. They all left the room when they saw me stand on my own. I did take a while to change. Still hurting when I would stretch anything out. When I was done I opened the door. They all smiled brightly at me. Except Tsukki who still wouldn't look up at me. 

"So we are going to take care of you in shifts. Tonight is Tsukishima," Daichi had a weird smile on his face. Sugawara looked at him confused but shrugged it off. Tsukki was now looking up at me with wide eyes. I was doing the same thing. Why would they put me with someone I don't know? I mean I guess I know him, but currently I don't.

"So lets head off," Ennoshita smiled walking with the other 2nd years. Tsukki and I were still there staring at each other.

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