Life's Greastest Little Joys

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Aspen's eyes widen "Really?"

"Yeah, why not?" Keegan shrugs "We're only driving through the parking lot and you're a big girl now."

She beams proudly "Because I'm almost six!"

"Yeah but let's not talk about that." He says quickly "Time's going too fast."

"I agree." I add in "Aspen's turning six soon, then right after that Theo will be one. Not to mention that Lukas is two now. How is everything going so fast?"

"Beats me." Keegan sighs "But I guess that means we'll just have to have another baby." He winks jokingly.

"Nuh uh." I shake my head "The baby-making ship has sailed. Two is enough, plus Lukas when you have him."

"But what if we wanted another?" Keegan asks "Like what if a giant spaceship comes and takes these two away to another planet, is that a good enough excuse for another kid?"

I roll my eyes and smile "Then, and only then, will we try for another baby."

"But what if Aspen and Theo both decide to leave to boarding school? That would also be a good opportunity to have another." He says.

"Mmm, don't really think boarding schools accept little boys who still wear diapers and don't quite know how to feed themselves yet without getting half the food everywhere but their mouths." I joke "And why would the kids just both decide to go to boarding school? Aspen can hardly ever decide which flavour of ice cream she wants."

"We're getting ice cream?!" Aspen gasps excitedly.

"No, that was just an example." I laugh.

"Well it wasn't a very good one," Keegan says "Because I know, deep down inside you, you're just aching for another baby. I mean, it's clear we make cute kids, just look at Theo."

"Deep down inside me I know I'm happy with my life the way it is." I defend myself.

"Yeah but think of it like this," Keegan sighs "You were also happy with your life when you just had Aspen, and it got even better when Theo was born. Imagine all the happiness a third baby would bring?"

"Yeah, but imagine how much less sleep a third baby would bring?" I whine "There's only so much coffee a person can drink in a day."

"But we've only got a boy together, imagine seeing what our little girl would look like if we had one?" He smiles.

"Yeah Mommy, I want a little sister!" Aspen interjects.

"Now look what you've done Keeg." I chuckle.

"Sorry." He laughs sheepishly.

"Momma if I have a little sister can I play dress up with her?" Aspen continues "And can we name her—"

"Asp," I cut her off "Sorry, but you're not getting a little sister. I think I'm done having babies, you and your brother are all I need."

She looks up at me sadly "But—"

I cut her off again "No buts Aspen, it's pretty much a done deal. If you really want a little sister, hound your Dad and Maya about it." I joke, talking about Max's yearlong girlfriend. I've met her quite a few times; she's super nice and Aspen really likes her, which is great.

"Can I call Dad?" Aspen asks.

"Not right now," Keegan answers "We're in the middle of pranking Ian, remember? And we should really go do that before he's wrapped for today."

"Okay." She agrees easily. With that, Keegan and Aspen go to the car while I stay inside with Theo. I bounce him lightly on my hip, knowing it's around his nap time and he's a little bit fussy right now. Luckily, he seems pretty content, gazing up at me with his clear blue eyes. Keegan's eyes.

"You're gonna be nine months old soon my baby boy." I say softly "Getting so close to being one. Man, where did the time go? Seems like just yesterday I was in labour with you, so excited to meet my little guy. That was one hard time you put me through Theo, the worst pain I'd ever been in. I used to think Aspen's birth was rough before I had you, but I'm not sure it can even compare to your dramatic one. But I wouldn't ever take anything back, I'd even do it all over again countless times just to have you. My baby boy, my sweet baby boy. You've been my little firecracker since the very first contraction, do you know that? My little firecracker who I couldn't love any more if my life depended on it. You make my heart so full, Theo Alexander."


One Hour Later

"Guyssssssssss!" I hear Ian's voice yell down the hall. I open my dressing room door, peeking my head out. Lucy does the same from hers.

"What?" She asks him.

"Do you know if someone was for some reason moving cars out of the upper parking lot?" Ian asks.

"No." Lucy answers confusedly.

"Well do you know why Rosie the bear was in my dressing room?" He asks, holding up Aspen's stuffed animal.

"Oops." I say under my breath.

"Troian?" Ian asks with a smile "Why do I have a feeling you have something to do with this?"

"To do with what?" I say obliviously, hoping I sound believable.

"With the disappearance of my car." He answers "I mean, when I left to film, Aspen's toy wasn't in my dressing room."

"You're blaming this on a teddy bear?" I joke "How childish."

"No," He chuckles "But I'm thinking the teddy bear is a clue to who moved my car."

"You think Aspen moved your car?" I say sarcastically "Come on Ian, blaming an innocent five year old—"

"Don't do this to me Troian." Ian laughs.

"Fine, I'll tell you where your car is as soon as you change Theo's first word from Ian to Mommy." I say.

His eyes widen "It worked?! He finally said Ian?"

"Yeah, thanks to you it was his very first word." I reply snarkily.

"Oops, my bad." He laughs stiffly "Didn't mean to make it so that no matter what, for the rest of Theo's life, his first word would be my name. Totally unintentional you know. I didn't mean to make it so that in his baby book under the spot where it says first word you'd have to write—"

I interrupt him "Now you're rubbing it in too?!"

"Nope, but I really gotta get going and finding my car." He says, beginning to turn around "Tell Keegan and the kiddos that their favourite uncle says hi. See you—"

"Ian!" I yell "Get back here!" He pauses, before turning back around with a nervous look on his face.

"What's up, Troi?" He asks over-nicely.

"You do realize that when you have a kid one day I'm gonna do the exact same to you?" I say, only half joking "Maybe make their first word a swear, or the name of one of your ex-girlfriends."

"Don't you think that's a little excessive?" Ian asks with hope in his voice.

"Hey, you started this war." I shrug "I'm just gonna finish it."

Troian Bellisario: Just Me & My GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang