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You had Bucky had been dating for almost a month. You had met through your best friend Steve. It wasn't love at first sight, in fact you had loathed him. But now you were best of friends and more. Not to mention Steve and Sam's OTP. You smiled to yourself as you thought over the last few weeks. Bucky was an assassin one moment and a charmer the next.  

You yawned loudly and stretched your arms over your head. It was late at night and you were sitting on the couch in the living room of the Avengers Compound. Almost everyone had already gone to bed, expect Tony who was working on his suits. You had just finished a marathon of Netflix's Stranger Things as suggested by Clint. It had been extremely good, but it left you with a chill running up and down your arms. This chill was only increased when a blood curling scream rang out. You jumped over the back of the couch and grabbed a kitchen knife. You heard it again. This time you recognized it. You gasped.


Knife in hand you ran to his room and opened door. Quickly looking around you saw no one. Your eyes shifted to the large window and you walked over to it. Thrusting the curtains apart you look out, but saw nothing except the night. To your left you heard Bucky growl. You set your knife on the bedside table and leaned over him.

"Bucky?" You asked gently placing a hand on his shoulder. Upon contact you cringed. He was covered in a slick layer of sweat. Bead were running down his face. His eyebrows were knotted and he was shaking. 

"Stop it!" He yelled out. You began to panic and crawled on top of him. You grabbed his shoulders and shook his roughly, hoping he'd snap out of his nightmare. All he did was thrash his head. 

"Stop it! Don't!" His teeth were gritted in anger.

"Bucky! Bucky wake up! Buck please!" You yelled brushing your hands through his short hair and holding his face in your hands. Tears were beginning to stream down your face. It had been so long, too long to remember the last time he'd had a dream like this. And last time he had-- You gasped, your heart stopping. Bucky had woken up. He ripped your hands from his face, tightly squeezing your wrists. His eyes were dark, sharp, and squinted. 

"Bucky?" You breathed. It wasn't him, you could see the difference. He snarled at you, his grip tightening on your wrists.

"I wont let you hurt her. I wont let you hurt Y/N." He said. Your eyes widened and you could feel yourself begin to shake slightly.

"Bucky. It's me. I'm Y/N. Please see me."  Your voice was wavering. Bucky's jaw clenched and he flipped you onto your back. 

"Your lying! You killed her!" He screamed. His eyes glanced over to the knife you had set on the table and he reached over to it. Your heart stuttered and your lungs felt empty. Before you could get away he had the knife to your throat. 

"James. Please..." You croaked feeling the cool metal of the blade on your throat. 

"Tell me where she is!!" 

"She's here. Buck, I'm right here. It's me..." You stopped when he pulled the knife away. You heard it fall to the floor.  You slowly sat up and rubbed your throat. When you took your hand away there was a streak of blood. Bucky was shaking, his eyes wide, staring at the blood on your hand. 

"Y/N--" He said shuddering. His hands made fists. You reached out a hand and cupped his face. He looked over at you with pained eyes. The moonlight from outside shone on his face and made eerie shadows. You looked at his trembling lips and chin. There was stubble on his cheeks. His hair stuck out in tufts and fell in his eyes. You gaze settled on his eyes. They shone with tears, but underneath that were the soft ocean blue eyes of the man you loved.



Hope you liked this. I don't know if it's that good. There are so many versions of Bucky having these types of bad breams so I thought I'd do one. By the way the Netflix show Stranger Things is really good and I highly recommend it. Thanks! :)

Bucky Barnes One Shotحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن