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how long have you been making graphics for and why did you start?

I'm actually still a beginner of some sort. I started some time last year in mid-September. I started because I simply just downloaded Photoshop for the fun of it. I then started graphic designing when I wanted to make my own covers back then. Since then, it's been a dream job of mine that I shall and will pursue.

what inspired you to make graphics?

It first started when I had gotten Photoshop. Ever since that time, I watched a few YouTube videos and I realized that graphic designing was something I really wanted to do - and continue doing - in the future. You could say that a lot of brilliant covers inspired me, but most of all; the potential power in you to make brilliant things. Also, it's very funny when you slap someone's face on something funny.

what graphics do you make and what type is your favourite?

I make simple covers, simple icons and minimal covers. I sometimes do manipulated covers and I dabble in the fine art of trailer making. My favourite type would have to be minimal covers because they're so simplistic and clean.

what were your covers like when you first started?

what were your covers like when you first started?

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what are your covers like now?

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what are your covers like now?

what are your covers like now?

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what is your message to any aspiring graphic designers, here on wattpad?

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what is your message to any aspiring graphic designers, here on wattpad?

My message would be to be original. Many people out there do something called 'over inspiration' which means that you're so inspired by one graphic, that you create a graphic exactly and if not extremely similar to the graphic. Don't do that. Being original is hard sometimes and I understand, but you need to know that the graphic you're copying off of is an original work. Unless it's not... But that person worked really hard to make something that should be admired, not copied nor stolen. Being original will give you more cred than being a copy.

two random facts about you?

1. I have 3 younger sisters and I am the oldest.

2. I love fictional bad boys. I'm not weird...

I hope that this interview helped you to realize that a little struggle in life is good for you. If you could see me other old graphics, you'd realize that the people who are extremely good now, have had a lot of obstacles in their path.

Until next time,


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