"No!" I screamed. I tried to fight them off, but with one hand and no sword against six men I hardly had a shot. I'm not sure if I would call it luck, but I got my hand away and managed to hit the first leader in the stomach. In return I was pulled to my feet and slapped hard across the face.

"Stupid bitch!" He sputtered, sticking something into my arm. Within a matter of seconds I was asleep.


When I came to, I had no idea where I was. I felt like I was floating with no sense of time. Panic was once again blooming in my chest.

I tried to move, to look around, but all I found was that I could feel nothing except pain. My wrist was throbbing painfully as well as my cheek and I felt nauseous. I finally let my eyes close. Almost as soon as I did there was a bright light that just kept getting brighter. I couldn't escape it.

I felt something slide around my waist and pull me forward gently. The light was gone and everything went completely black. Slowly my vision came back to me. To my horror I was in an almost empty room with the Red Captain from before.

The only things in the room were a large white bed, a black square table and a crimson rug.

I was standing to his right side with his arm was still around my waist. He curled it around so I was standing in front of him. My heart was pounding hard against my chest.

"You've never been in this position before, have you Kyiomi?" He sneered. I didn't answer. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing I was afraid. I'd had men attack me before, but never had I been unable to protect myself.

"Your silence answers me just as well as if you'd told me with words. I promise you, I'll try and make this as painless as possible for you." He whispered in my ear.

I gritted my teeth. What do I do? I don't know where I am, and even if I did, there's too many soldiers around. How the hell can I get out of this alive?

He moved his arm so it was holding my left to my body and laid his head on my shoulder, breathing down my neck. I instinctively tried to pull away making him chuckle. He leaned forward and began kissing between my neck and shoulder.

"Admit it. Deep down, you're excited for this."

"Why did you bring me here? This can't be the only reason, so what do you want from me?" I demanded.

"I want to make you and your family suffer the way my family did." He stated.

"My family wouldn't do this to anyone!" I hissed.

"Oh, but they would. Your uncle Tameron stole my sister from her bed, had his way with her, and killed her." He hissed. I felt the blood drain from my face.

I'm going to die here no matter what else happens. Tears pricked my eyes but I pushed them back. I accepted that I would die, but I wouldn't let him use this to hurt my family more than it already would.

"I suppose that's a little untrue. Your family will hurt so much more than mine as I won't be killing you in the end." He whispered against my skin. As he finished speaking he shunpoed to the bed, attempting to push me down. I managed to slip under his arm and, pivoting quickly to face him again, hit him as hard as I could, my ring carving a bloody gash on his cheek.

He roared furiously and slammed me into the wall. He continued hitting me for a good long while before he finally grew tired and left the room. A servant walked in minutes after his master left and pulled me to the bed without saying a word.


When I awoke the next morning it was hard to move. There were bruises blooming all around my body and I was incredibly sore. The strange thing was, someone had healed my wrist at some point in the night.

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