Again, no response whatsoever,"I was thinking, after school, maybe you could help me? My grades mean a lot to me, and I'd really appreciate any help I can get."

I sighed, turning to leave after minutes of silence.

"W-wait," He called softly.

I licked my lips lightly, looking at him.

"I- I can t-tutor you."

A smile pulled at my face and I screamed in ecstasy,"Really?" I asked, hugging him. He stilled lightly and pushed my body away from his, gently with a confused look.

"Sorry, this class has just been soiling my reports since I started."

The edges of his lips curved up a bit and he nodded, beginning to walk away.

"Wait," I breathed, making him stop but he didn't turn. "Can I have your number? So, I can text and ask when it'd be possible. I mean, you seem like you'd be more comfortable talking via phone, than in person."

He frowned a bit, taking my phone out of my hands and tapping at numbers. I looked away from his big hands, trying to see his face.


"Thanks," I said as he handed the device back to me. "Could I get your name, maybe?" I asked, making him facepalm.

"S-sorry, it's Harry." He spoke even softer than before. And, I nodded at him as I texted back my number.

"I'm Ami." I said when he didn't ask. He offered me a small smile, walking off. I looked at his retreating form, stance tense and stiff. I shrugged at his quietness, walking away in the opposite direction to my own class.

Maybe, he'd help me change my Ds to As.

At least, that's what I hoped.

He seemed overly reserved, maybe too reserved for someone as outgoing as I was. I hoped that wouldn't get in the way of tutoring, because he was honestly my only hope at getting better at this class.

I sighed, pulling out a seat beside Bianca.

"I saw you in the hallway talking to the freak," She said, glancing at me momentarily.

"Who?" I asked, trying to recall,"Harry?"

"Whatever his name is." She said as she pulled out her books. I frowned lightly.

Well, that was rude.


"How else do you describe him?" She chuckled.

"That's a bit harsh, don't you think?"

"Not really. Suites him well."

My brows furrowed, and I shrugged, turning away from her and focusing on taking notes. I didn't want to talk much, because I knew in the end she'd insult someone else.

Why waste my breath?

Classes dragged by, and soon the day was over.

I gladly packed out my locker, texting Harry about our study session quickly.

The name didn't quite fit him, it didn't fit his looks nor his personality. I turned to see him pull his hoodie tighter against his body, walking right past me.

"Excuse me, Harry?"

His step faltered, and he turned to face me with his eyes on the ground.

"Sorry, I texted you but, you didn't reply." At this, he frowned,"I was wondering if you could come over today? I'd like to get the assignment out of the way."

His frown deepened,"I-I have to be home early. My -my mum's working the night shift. She won't leave w-without seeing me."

I frowned at his reason,"Okay. Maybe, we could go to yours? I don't know, if not tomorrow is perfectly fine."

"S-sure, you can come over m-mine." He stammered out, looking flustered.

"That'd be great," I smiled, walking over to my car. I noticed it was just mine left in the lot, meaning he was either walking or taking the bus. I rolled my glass down,"Get in. I might as well come right over, yeah?"

He looked from the street to the car unsurely.

I sighed,"Come on, Harry."

He grumbled a bit in protest, but walked slowly and hesitantly towards the car. He stood in front of the door, looking around. I chuckled softly, pushing the door open.

"Thank you," He breathed, crouching to enter the car.

"No problem. I'm going to need you to give me directions. Or just an address."

Obviously, he picked the one that required less talking. He quietly mumbled an address, stumbling over the words. I typed it into my GPS, following the directions.

"This is it." Harry whispered, and I came to a stop in front of a large and modern house. The garden was well cared for, and the house simply had a touch of newness.

I parked carefully, walking in behind Harry.

"I'm home, mum." He called loudly, and I found myself flinching at his voice. It was so incredibly deep, and different than when he'd talked to me, Cheshire accent seeping through.

"Hello, love." A sweet woman said, stumbling down the stairs. Her eyes widened when they fell on me, and she looked from me to Harry.

"She needed help with a subject," He tried to explain. His mother shook her hands in his face, turning to me.

"Hey, sweetheart. I'm Harry's mother. Sorry if I'm a bit giddy, he's never had a girl over." Harry blushed lightly, huffing.

I smiled,"It's nice to meet you, Mrs?" I paused, realizing Harry hadn't told me his last name.

"It's Miss Cox. But, please, call me Anne."

I smiled and nodded,"It's nice to meet you, Anne."

A single mother could afford this house? She must've been a hard worker.

"I have to go. Be good," She looked at Harry,"I'm sure Harry will fix you something good. Bye." Anne smiled, kissing Harry's cheek before walking out.

I looked to Harry, unsure of what to do. This was his house after all.

"S-sorry, follow me." I followed quietly after him up the stairs, looking around at the place. It really was nice.

"Beautiful place," I commented.

"My mum b-built it." He said, pride conspicuous in his voice. It was cute. "Can we study in my room, is that o-okay?"

I looked up at him.

"Or the s-study, that's f-fine with me."

"Harry, your room is fine. Your house, your rules." I said.

"Okay," He whispered, opening the door to his room. I looked around, it was nice. White walls with orange paint splattered against it. The room was organized and neat, and cleaner than mine by a million.

He picked up some clothes, looking away from me.

"Excuse me," He whispered, walking into the connected bathroom. I stifled a laugh when he tripped over his feet, face planting within seconds.

"Oh my God," I said, standing when I realized he was still on the ground,"Are you okay?" Harry groaned in response, crawling towards the bathroom.

"At least I can't fall this way," He mumbled to himself,"Yeah. I'm fine, thanks." He replied, shutting the door quietly.

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