Chapter 1

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Beth was terrified to say the least. She had some big shoes to fill. Today was her first day at Hogwarts. The only people she knew were her brothers; Percy, Fred, George, and Ron. Percy, Fred, and George were all in Gryffindor just like the rest of the family.

She was terrified of meeting new people. She was terrified of not getting into Gryffindor. But most of all Beth was terrified that her twin, Ron, would meet new friends and abandon her leaving her all alone.

Sophia was ecstatic. She was escaping her parents rules and going to Hogwarts. The day she found out she was a witch was the best day of her life.

She knew, somehow, that she was going to meet a new friend. They were going to be best friends for the rest of their lives.

Sophia's only problem was that she had no idea how to get to Hogwarts. She had her train ticket. But it said platform 9 3/4 which she could not see.

That was until she saw a group of redheads. The taller of the two little girls had asked her mom, "How much farther until we get to platform 9 3/4?"

With a small gasp she pushed her trolley towards the family. Just as she arrived she saw a boy with messy, black hair running towards them with an owl on his trolley.

"Excuse me," Sophia asked the mother, "How do you get onto platform 9 3/4? Today's my first day at Hogwarts and I'm not sure where to go."

"Oh! It's Beth's and Ron's first day at Hogwarts as well. What you have to do is run straight at that brick wall. Better do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." The mother stated. She looked to the older of the girls who nodded at her. She ran towards the barrier and braced herself for impact.

But it never came. When she opened her eyes, she was standing on a different train platform with a gleaming red engine standing in front of her. The Hogwarts Express.

She gave her trunk to the workers and found an empty carriage towards the back. And then she waited for her new friends to come towards her.

After her older brothers, the new girl with brown hair, and the new boy with black hair and emerald eyes went through the barrier, Beth set off towards her new life.

It was packed to say the least. She had never been much off a people person. But she would try for the sake mother. Her parents just wanted her to make friends outside of the family. So she would. Hopefully.

After dropping her stuff off, she walked to the back carriages and saw the girl from earlier.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" Beth questioned nervously.

"Not at all." Sophia stated while smiling brightly. "I'm Sophia Wright."

"I'm Beth Weasley."

Little did they now, it was the start of something new.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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