Into the Night (Part 1)

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God it's nice to be back. I walk in to the kitchen of my small house and drop my bag on the floor. I've been gone on a mission for a month and a half. That's a month and a half away from home. And for this mission, that's a month and a half away from Cammie. But that is all okay, with the thought of getting to see her tomorrow. I was so excited. I would go and see her tonight, but it's late and I don't want to wake her. Plus I want her to be fully awake when I surprise her. I wasn't supposed to come back for another week, but we finished early and I'm back now.

Knowing I wouldn't have much, if anything, in my fridge, but being hungry, I checked anyway. That's the first thing I noticed was off. There was some take out in my fridge, and I was sure that I threw everything like that away. Not wanting to deal with that tonight, I got myself glass of water and told myself, I'll do it tomorrow.

I was exhausted from the mission, so I decided to go to bed. As I was walking to my room, I noticed a jacket hanging over the arm of the couch. After that, I was on full alert. Either someone had been in my house, or someone was in my house.

I pulled out my gun from the back of my jeans and I slowly and quietly entered every room to check if anyone was there. All clear. There was only one room left to check. When I got to my room, I walked in and saw someone. I was about to go after them and tie them up when I realized who it was. Cammie, I thought as I sighed and lowered my gun. I stood there for a while, just watching her, god I missed her. Her eyes were lightly closed and face looked content. It made me smile seeing how peaceful she was while sleeping. I watched the slow rise and fall of her chest as she slept, that's when I realized that she was wearing one of my shirts. It made me want to go over there and kiss her, but I didn't want to wake her. That would have to wait until tomorrow.

I don't know where I would be without her. She's my everything.

It was that moment, right then, that I knew I had to marry her. I have known for a long time that I love her, and knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. But that moment right then, really put things into perspective. I knew that I loved her and couldn't wait to see her again, and how happy I am to see her here when I thought I was going to have to wait another day. But it also shows how much she loves me. I've been gone for a while and Cammie is here, in my bed, wearing my shirt. Even though she doesn't know I am here yet, I still love it. I love her.

I quietly put the gun down on my dresser and started to get ready for bed. I changed into a pair of flannel pyjama pants, but I didn't put on a shirt. It's not like Cammie hasn't seen me shirtless before.

I crawled into the bed, careful not to move too much and wake her. Even though I desperately wanted to hug her, I also wanted to let her sleep.


I hadn't been lying there for long, then all of a sudden, Cammie pushed me onto my stomach and pulled my arms behind my back while saying "Who are you? What are you doing here?" There was so much authority in her voice. It's been amazing watching her become the wonderful spy she has.

Before I had the chance to answer she pulled my arms further behind my back, making me say, "Seriously, Gallagher Girl, that hurts like a—Ow."

The pressure on my arms loosened as she whispered, "Zach?" In the midst of her confusion, I took the opportunity to take the upper hand and I flipped us, so that she was lying on her back and my hands were on either side of her head. I did that so I was holding myself up, but not her down.

She still has a confused and unsure look on her face until I smirked and said, "You know it, Gallagher Girl."

My heart melted at the way her eyes brightened and a smile slowly crept up her face until she said, "Zach." But this time she said it like I have been gone forever. But lets face it, more than a month without her might as well be forever. I smiled at her and she wrapped her arms around my neck suddenly, and hugged my like she was never going to let me go. 
And I knew that I would never let go either.

A/N: This is just a short story, and there isn't going to be anymore of this one. I might post other ones onto this one though, so don't delete it! Nova, "Seriously, Gallagher Girl, that hurts like a—Ow." I will see you on Thursday.

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