Chapter 16 (edited)

Start from the beginning

“So did your master kill my parents?” I asked trying to stay strong.

“He is contacting me!” Tim shouted.

“How?” Luke and I asked.

“He is asking me why I am not back,” Tim said.

“Tell him to give his name,” Luke demanded.

“He says his name is of no importance,” Tim said, “He is asking about the girl.”

“Tell him no, but that she is in town,” Luke instructed.

“He wants to find her and lure her back to the house,” Tim said, “He is coming now.”

“Hide,” Luke said and we hid in the coat closet.

“I am setting a trap,” Poldark announced as he grabbed salt.

            Five minutes later a Vampire burst through the door and growled at Tim and then sniffed the air and looked at the closet. I tried not to breathe or make a noise.

“I smell fear,” the Vampire sang.

            Luke covered my mouth to keep me quiet.

“Get out of the closet,” the Vampire demanded, “Or I will kill you now.”

            Poldark came in and attacked the Vampire, but the Vampire threw him off and ran out the door and cursed and sped back in.

“You made a salt circle!” He seethed.

“Yes, we are all trapped in here,” Poldark smiled.

            I reached in my pocket and had a vile of salt and walked out of the closet and spilled it as the Vampire looked at me. He cursed and started counting and Luke ushered me to the kitchen area.

“Violet, you recognize him right?” Luke asked.

“Eric Pascal,” I whispered and Eric’s head shot up.

“How do you know my name?” Eric hissed.

“Did you kill Jeannette?” Luke asked.

“Looks like someone did their homework! Of course, if I couldn’t have her then no one could! I killed her! Her husband, whoever he is, now knows how I felt,” Eric smiled mischievously.

“Are you mental!?” Luke exclaimed.

“Stupid boy, shut your mouth! I got my revenge,” Eric said.

“You don’t know who the husband is?” I asked quietly from behind Luke.

“So she speaks! I don’t know for sure but I have an idea. Now you must watch this DVD,” Eric said.

“Already did,” I whispered.

“Well you guys put this trap together nicely. First off I didn’t kill her parents’, though the one who did has a reason to be afraid now,” Eric smiled.

“Tell me who murdered them!” I shrieked lurching for him, Luke holding me back.

“Calm down! I will not tell you. You must figure it out for yourself, trust me, it will be that much more satisfying for you, and much more painful for the person who killed your parents’,” Eric explained.

“What?” I asked.

“The guilt will consume the murderer, that is all I can say,” Eric said.

“Lead me in the right direction!” I demanded.

“I’ve been playing cat and mouse with the murderer ever since he killed them. He wants to kill me. How about I come home with you guys?” Eric suggested.

“NO!” I said sternly.

“I know where you live, so you can’t stop me,” Eric smiled.

“Screw you!” I growled.

“I’m on your side. I wanted to give you this DVD earlier, but let’s just say the murderer doesn’t let me get close to you,” Eric explained.

“Keep talking,” Luke said.

“That’s all I have to say, so open the circle, I need to hunt,” Eric demanded.

“Humans?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“What else? Cows?” Eric joked.

            I reluctantly opened the circle of salt outside and Eric, Tim and Poldark went out into the setting sun. Luke looked at me as I walked back in the house.

“I’m going to go,” I whispered.

“Where?” Luke asked.

“Somewhere, I will be back tomorrow,” I said before heading out.

            I walked all the way to Vince’s to grab my bike. It was about a twenty-minute walk, it gave me time to think. Vince was waiting with my bike.

“Luke called and caught me up,” Vince said.

“Okay, well I need my bike,” I said.

“Here, but where are you going?” Vince asked.

“Somewhere safe, and away from Vampires,” I said then hopped on my bike and rode off.

            I knew where I was going. It was getting dark and people were out, giving me strange looks as I passed. I ignored them and when I saw my destination I threw my bike down and ran to the door, knocking lightly.

“Violet? Are you okay?” Greg asked as I hugged him.

The Slayer, The Lover, and The Vampire[Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now