| Lost | Tasuku Ryuuenji

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Whenever a young man lost himself, he could never understand anything. Once taken into complete darkness, it was hard to find a way out of such a place, somewhere light shone so brightly, so far away, a place where he thought he could never be. To be perfectly honest, Tusuku lost his way long ago. He was confused. What was the right thing to do? Who could the aqua haired boy trust? In a position like that, he felt alone. Empty and alone. It wasn't a good feeling for him, the unsettling feeling causing a surge of butterflies in his stomach as he watches over the city he let down once again. He took in every aspect of the beautiful view, the way the clouded sky made way for the sunset to shine over, the cool breeze gently swaying through his blue locks, the sound of zooming cars racing by without warning, it was wonderful. This was the place he wanted to protect. The people he wanted to protect. Instead, he was relieved of his duties and felt that he could no longer do anything right. What was the right thing to do? The same question whirls in his mind like a broken record.


The familiar call of his close friend disturbs his train of thought. He turns around, her (h/c) hair flying crazily as she grasps the hem of his long sleeved shirt desperately. He didn't say anything, his ruby hues trailing from her arm to her saddened face. The young woman was like the light at the end of the tunnel, carving a way through his pitch black cave of a heart that seemed endless, her feminine features forming a forced smile on her lips and she let go once gaining his full attention.

"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" He asks, looking back at the view.

"I was worried you know," she responds, "you didn't answer your phone and... didn't show up for class today either, "

Oh. He wasn't completely alone. Tusuku let out a sigh, thinking of such trivial things will get him nowhere. He had his buddy by his side and the one he truly cannot stand to lose. Without fully recognizing it, (y/n) had taken a little bit of his bitterness away, just like before. A smile began to creep on his precious face, though his eyes still stayed the same, lonely and distant.


He could hear her call again, this time it resounded like a grandfather clock, fully awakening his senses. Her hand touched his, the warm sensation heating his already cold hand to match the temperature of hers. At the sudden realization, his eyes widen full of surprise, though he eased into it, cheeks a shade of pink as he stares at the sinking sun.

"You're not alone, Tasuku," she says, softly.

That's what he needed, a soothing voice to tell him it was okay. He squeezed her hand gently, nodding in response as his eyes meet with hers for what felt like forever, (e/c) orbs shimmering. Suddenly, he felt arms wrap around his waist, as if she was clinging onto him desperately. He took in a shaky breath, wrapping his arms around her figure, closing his eyes as he gently embraced her. He too was clinging onto something within her. He didn't want to let go. His light came to save him once again, from the darkness within his lost heart, the red highlighted boy wasn't the only one who could show him the way.

"Tasuku..." She repeats, clenching his red vest, "I-I'm scared,"

Tasuku didn't answer, he didn't let go either, he just held on. He didn't know how to grow up fast, he thought he needed to in order to protect those closest to him. Like his (y/n), the one person who can't be replaced. His hand gently caressed her head, etching her closer to his torso as he closed his eyes, his breathing  calming down. Perhaps this is what the young man needed all along, a moment.

"It's okay..." Tasuku says, stroking her (h/c) hair, "I'll protect you,"

"That's not what I mean," she whispers, closing her eyes to listen to his calm heartbeat, "I'm scared to lose you, silly,"

His eyes opened quickly out of shock, this was the first time anyone's ever said anything like that to him. He could no longer restrain the gentleness of a smile forming on his face, eyes focused on the rare beauty huddled up to his chest. He wanted to protect her. For some reason, he didn't want to involve (y/n) in anything. Sometimes, you had to let go of things in order to attain something else and he was ready. Though something in his heart ushered him in a different direction, it was all too confusing for the boy. His mind said to let go and push her away in order to achieve greater heights, but his heart wouldn't loosen the grasp from her, clinging to her life.

Out of frustration and realization of his true feelings, he felt the dampness of his cheek most likely from the tears that wouldn't stop from falling. Throughout all this, he still held on to the female, eyes closed as he let his face nuzzle against her neck to hide his glossy eyes. He didn't want to let go. He didn't want to leave her behind. He had to.

"Tusuku?" She calls, softly into his ear, "just promise me that you will come back to me safely,"

"I promise," he managed, though his voice cracked and she knew.

She didn't want to confront his confusion into a corner, the only thing she could do was hold him gently, giving him what little courage she could muster up. She really liked this boy wonder, she wanted to know much more about him. Though it felt like they were drifting apart slowly, as if some invisible force were pushing the two away, ready to separate the strange feelings she held for him and he held for her. She let go slowly, (e/c) eyes staring into his, full of determination and unwavering seriousness, then his features softened once more as he placed his forehead against hers.

"(Y/n), I promise to make everything right again," he whispers, small smile on his cute features, "and come back safely, for your sake,"

"O-okay," was all she could manage, "but please Tasuku... Be careful and... Don't forget I'm with you,"

His eyes widened once again, the girl of his always had something surprising for him. Before he knew it, a light chuckle escaped his lips and he stroked her hair once more, pressing his lips on her forehead. In the process, her cheeks tinged a light pink, clearly surprised by the young man's actions. Another laugh escaped his lips as he let his arms drop to both sides, gentle breeze causing their hair to whisk around gently. How could he forget someone so special to him? It was hard to forget. His eyes began to glisten the same lonely colour and he jumped off the building using his buddy skill to fly, he didn't bother any goodbyes towards his precious friend. He was ready to toss away his pride and join forces with the enemy. That was the conclusion he came up with. He had to stick with this plan.

A/N: just letting you know, I uh..... Watched this anime in English dub. I kind of liked the voice actors so yeah. Anyway, what did you think? I'm trash that writes reader inserts, and I absolutely loved the first season so here it is! I loved the character development, my favourites consist of Zanya and Naboru, they're so adorable!! You can request if you'd like! I'm ready for the next season, this anime makes me want to hug every single character. I love them unconditionally, well maybe except for Shido... He's a bit annoying and I dislike him. Maybe I'll ease up to him in the second season... Another thing: if I made any errors, please correct me? Thanks for reading~!

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