Depuis le début


He immediately notified his driver/bodyguard, Romano Vasco, to ready the SUV. He asked his secretary/personal assistant, Owen Santos, to order a bouquet of white lilies.

In thirty minutes, he went out of V+ Tech Company Building, rode in his SUV, dropped by at the nearest flower shop to pick up the bouquet of white lilies, and asked Romano to transport him to Victoria Condominiums – Vienburg.

As he pressed the doorbell at the door of Callie's condominium unit, it was opened up by her nanny after a short while. As he entered the place, he saw her seated at the carpeted floor by the glass center table facing several files for signing.

She was surprised seeing him.

"Don't stand anymore," he told her. He sat beside her on her right side by the floor and handed her the bouquet of white lilies.

"Thank you. They are my favorite," she remarked. "Nanay, please arrange these flowers on the vase in my bedroom and bring some snacks for us."

As her nanny left the living room, he asked, "Busy?"

She answered casually, "Not that much. I'm just reading these reports for signing. How are you? It's nice to finally see you again after so many years."

"Well, not as busy as you are," he joked.

She remarked, "You look much better now. That was the little makeover I was telling you about back then. And did I tell you girl will swoon over you? You've come a long way, Callix. You're now a multi-billionaire. So, how are Tito Fel and Tita Cal?"

He replied, "They're retired already. They just moved in our vacation home last month in Calliope Isle in Gannevo."

She recalled, "Yeah, I heard that the small isle south of La Pez Island was purchased by a Filipino billionaire and the name was changed into Calliope Isle. So, it was you who bought it?"

"Yes. I bought it nine months ago. And the house had just been finished last month," he informed her.

She asked, "So, what about your love life?"

He smiled and told her, "I got none coz you're still not agreeing to date me."

She replied jokingly, "Were you serious when you asked me about it a year ago?"

"I have been convincing you since I returned but you don't seem to believe me. I've been asking you out on a date but you're always busy. You cannot even include meeting your best friend in your schedule." He reached for her right hand and squeezed it gently, "I know my past with Penelope is stopping you from agreeing, Callie. I'm really serious. I want you to be my wife if you'll just let me."

She felt uneasy. Good thing her nanny had arrived with a tray of snacks.

When her nanny left, she handed him a glass of freshly squeezed orange and pineapple juice. "Let's have snacks first. I'm already famished."

They leaned back on the couch behind them.

As they munched on the freshly-baked chocolate-chip cookies, she changed the topic of their conversation, "So, how's work?"

He replied, "Well, I just received a business proposal from your brother. He's inviting me to invest in ZTC."

She informed him, "ZTC is not doing well, Callix. As a friend, I suggest that you don't invest in the company even if I own 20 % shares of it."

He asked seriously, "What happened?"

She answered, "Dad's second family is spending more than they're earning. Dad had already sold all the properties he inherited from Lolo. I haven't received annual dividends from the company since the year Lolo and Lola died. They are now living at the ancestral mansion which belongs to me coz their house here in Missi had also been sold. Dad is still CEO in name. Andrew is his deputy but he basically runs everything."

A Tech Billionaire's LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant