Chapter 1

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Nightkit sat just outside the Nursery entrance. Adderkit and Russetkit were wrestling a few tail lengths away. "Adderkit, Russetkit, stop, you're ruining your fur. You need to look presentable for your ceremonies." Cindertail scolded the two kits. The two stopped and bounced over to their mother so she could groom them again. Nightkit was already groomed and her pelt was glossy and soft. Tigerstar leapt into the Nightshade tree. "everyone strong enough to fend for themselves gather around The night tree for a clan meeting!" She yowled and all around cats of Nightclan arose from their places and sat beneath the Nightshade tree to listen to Tigerstar. Nightkit and her siblings held back their excitement as they walked, stiff legged, and sat under the Nightshade tree. 'I hope one day I can be leader just like Tigerstar!' Nightkit thought. Nightkit could tell by the shifting of Adderkit's paws that he was nervous. She rested her tail on his back. He gave her a warm smile and looked back at Tigerstar. "As we all know Cindertail has had her kits for six moons and they are now getting apprenticed." She said. "Russetkit, Adderkit, and Nightkit, step forward." Tigerstar said looking down her muzzle at the kits as they crept forward. Nightkit took a deep breath and let it out. "Do you all promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your lives?" She growled. "We do." The kits said in unison. "Very well, Russetkit, you will be know as Russetpaw and your mentor will be Rockpool. I have great trust that he will pass on what he knows to you." She said and watched as the two touched noses. "Adderkit,you will now be know as Adderpaw and your went or will be Ravenfur. I believe she will pass on her knowledge to you so you can become a good warrior." She said and watched as they touched noses and sat beside Russetpaw and Rockpool. "And Nightkit, you will be know as Nightpaw, and I will mentor you." She finished and jumped down from the tree and landed in front of her apprentice touching noses to Nightpaw. "Meeting dismissed." She said once they touched. The clan cheered their names and went about their duties. Nightpaw, Russetpaw, and Adderpaw were taken out of camp and were shown the territory and boundaries. They hunted on the way back and dropped what they had caught in the fresh-kill pile. The sun was setting and the moon slowly rose to its peak as the three new apprentices went to their new dens and curled in tight balls as they fell asleep.

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