Chapter 13: Mystery guy

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Sabrina's POV
He thinks I'm upset for a ridiculous it ridiculous that he thinks his girlfriend shouldn't care and worry about him?! Apparently it's just his mom who needs to do that. Maybe we just got back together too quickly.

Bradley's POV
I've been walking and thinking all day since the fight with Sabrina. I just don't get her sometimes. That was a ridiculous argument! It's almost seven so I start heading home. I was already close to my house so I just start running. I get to my house and unlock the front door. I see my mom so I greet her then go upstairs. I just sit on my bed and think some more. Sabrina didn't trust me and right now I kinda hate her for that. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I got a text from Jake.

Jake😎: Dude Rowan says Sabrina won't talk to her...wich means she's really upset man. Your girlfriend is supposed to care and worry about you,that's one of the best things about having a girlfriend. Just like as her boyfriend or whatever you guys are you should care that she's hurting right now...because of you. Fix this.

I read the text but didn't reply. I went downstairs to eat dinner then just went to bed.

Well it's useless trying to sleep. It's three AM and I can't sleep because I had that dream again. I don't understand the meaning of it,I mean why the heck would I kill Sabrina?! I decided to not try anymore and just go for a walk. I start walking then some guy walks past me and laughs then just keeps walking. But unexpectedly he sighs and turns around and walks back to me.

"Trouble in paradise kid?" He says laughing a bit.

"Uh kinda?" I say confused.

"Oh please. It's written all over your face,you got your lip sticking out and you have bags under your eyes,you looks like a sad puppy. Talk to me." He says throwing the cigarette he was smoking on the ground and gesturing to a bench. We sit and I sigh since I don't even know this guy and he wants me to talk to him.

"Well,my girlfriend-" I say getting cut off by him.

"Sabrina." He says nodding.

"Ya. How'd you know?" I say laughing a bit.

"Man,your Bradley Steven Perry the actor. And I do watch you on TV...your a pretty cool kid from what I've seen. But a normal teen doesn't go to a different premiere every week or act on a show every day Monday through Friday. And I know you forget that sometimes,you do need your freedom away from all the lights and cameras and just people in general sometimes. Now explain to me why you messed up with your girlfriend,Sabrina Carpenter." He finishes looking at me right in the eye.

"I was walking around yesterday early in the morning and she was worried about me. When I got back at six in the morning she was kinda upset and I made it seem like I didn't want her to care and worry about me her boyfriend or...EX boyfriend." I say looking at the ground.

"What is wrong with you?" He says laughing.

"Why are you laughing? I just got my heartbroken AGAIN and your laughing." I say kinda mad now.

"Because your not heartbroken. Your just convincing yourself that you ARE. Don't do that to yourself. Why are you doing that to yourself? You got a girl that loves you and you love her too no matter what happens. If you were to die tomorrow Sabrina would be actually heartbroken. No she would be more then heartbroken because love is stronger then anything and as an actor you should know that you can't act in just can't kid. Now what I need you to do is go find yourself and your freedom before you find your girlfriend. You've been acting so many other roles that you forgot your own character. Enjoy your freedom. Live life. Enjoy yourself before you leave to enjoy someone else. And most importantly don't die tomorrow." He says sternly.

"Sir?" I ask surprised at everything he just said.

"Don't call me sir because only men who deserve to be called sir get to be called sir. But ya?" He asks me.

"I'm gonna take your advice...because I think your right." I say smiling at him.

"Well kid I get that a lot. You should probably get home now." He says smiling a bit.

"Ya your probably right...thank you so much." I say shaking his hand.

"No,thank you kid." He says standing up and walking into the distance. I just sat there and watched him disappear. When I finally decided to get up and start heading home I was getting tired and must've not been looking where I was going because I saw the same guy shake his head and walking away. The last thing I saw was bright lights.

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