Chapter3:The Dressing room

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                        Rowan's POV
We arrive at the party...wich is just their set. The party is not going to last long though. Just a couple's four right now and the party ends at six. I'm so excited to see Jake. I turn to Sabrina.
"Ready?" I ask.

"Ready." She states.

Sabrina starts to open her door but I grab her arm and say "Hey,be careful."

She turns to face me and says "I promise."

We hug and then get out of the car. Someone is by the back door and signs us in. Sabrina and I thank him and he nods. We walk in and look at the set in amazement.
"Wow." Is all I could get out.

"This place is the coolest,right?" Someone behind us asks.

Both me and Sabrina turn to see who it is. It was the person I have been waiting to see all day...Jake.

"Right!" Me and Sabrina say in unison.

Then Sabrina pulls me to the side and says "I better go see Bradley hang with Jake until I get back...okay?"

"Okay." I say "Just text me if you need me."

"I will. Bye." She says with a quick hug before running off.

I walk back over to Jake and say "Hey."

He just says "Hey...want me to give you a tour of the set?!" He says all excited

"YES!" I say with just as much excitement.

We walk off and start the tour...I can't help but worry about Sabrina though.

                      Bradley's POV
I'm pacing the room right now thinking of what I'm gonna say to Sabrina...if she ever shows up.

                      Sabrina's POV
I've been trying to find Bradley's dressing room for ten minutes. I feel like it's a hidden passage right now....FINALLY! I see a door with the name Bradley Steven Perry next to it. I rub my hands together and close my eyes getting ready because whatever comes behind this door. I knock a couple times. And then someone opens the door....

"Hi..." Bradley says while opening the door more for me to walk in.

"So what did you want me here for?" I say while rolling my eyes.

"Well...." He starts "...i made a mistake...and I miss you...and I feel like a month is enough time to think about things.....and I think we should talk things out..." He says

"Bradley...I miss you too...but I came here this evening to have fun. Not to play your stupid little games!" I say

"I understand that." Bradley says while closing the door and sitting on the couch in his dressing room.

"You have always been one of the most reasonable guys I know..." I say

"I have???" He questions with his adorable confused face.

I do miss Bradley. But I'm not going to be this girl who forgives guys after they charm their way into forgiveness.

"You have...but and me were both upset with each other for the same reasons." I say

"I know...I just don't like the fact that you hang around with other guys....and then fans think you and that guy make a cute couple...then two weeks later you and that guy have a ship name." He says looking down at the floor.

I sit down on the couch next to him. And he says "I love you so many different ways." He looks up from the floor and into my eyes.

"I love you too in so many different ways." I say with a slight smile "But you hanging around with other girls makes me upset too." I place my hand on his arm.

"Sabrina,I am so sorry!" He says with a tear falling from his beautiful brown eyes.

I then do something I needed to do for me...I slapped Bradley right across the face.

"Ow!" He says while both crying and smiling.

"You deserved that." I say with a tear falling from my face.

                     Bradley's POV
I hugged Sabrina and then kissed her on the cheek. I'm not trying to be one of those guys with charm...I am truly sorry that I hurt the girl I love.

"Sabrina?" I ask.

"Ya Bradley?" She says with a small giggle.

"I wanna be your VERY close friend...I mean...what's our rush?" I say with a laugh

"I would like that very much....and no rush...we can take as long as we need." She says with a laugh and a huge smile.

"One more question though...?" I say with a chuckle.

"What?" She says confused.

"Can you unblock me please???" I ask.

We both start to laugh and then she says "Ya sure,why not?"

"Thanks." I say.

We both stand up and hug for what seemed like forever. It wasn't a relationship hug was a very good friend hug.

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