Chapter Three

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You smacked his arm and looked away with a blush. How could he say that! Yukio turned to look straight at you before pinching your nipple.
"You also, didn't wear a bra. Bad girl." He turns away and keeps walking. You bite your lip, thinking of the feeling he gives you. You shyly smiled to yourself.
"Don't smile about that. I'll have to beat you here." You jerked away and bit your lip instead. As you both arrived at the academy, your classmates were already gathered in front of the building with their bags. You could feel the boys looking at your chest, earning you a silent growl from Yukio. You nudged him then walked over to your classmates. Everyone was talking about how excited they were. You were very excited aswell. You had brought a tent and everything.
"Class," Oh lord. "We will be staying camping for about 2 nights. Please make sure you are packed properly and if not come talk to me." You loved his assertive sexy voice. You felt yourself get a little wet just by watching him and hearing his voice. He looked over at you. You were closing your eyes and very slightly rubbing your legs together. The bus was just arriving and Yukio brought you behind a pillar really quickly. He suspiciously looked at you, reaching his hand up your skirt and down your panties. He rubbed very gently.
"Hmm.. So you got wet just by standing there?" You grinded your hips a bit. "What made you wet." He demanded in that tone. You were in heaven.
"I was watching and listening to.. you.." You manage to breathe out. Yukio smirks, putting a finger in you. You gasp, and he covers your mouth to keep you quiet.
"Good. If you get wet by anything else.. I'll beat you. And don't think I've forgotten about this," He pinches your nipple again. The bus arrives. He slowly let's his finger out of you, making you whine and want it more.
"You want me?"
"More then ever.." You breathe hard. He smirks, moving away from you and motioning you to come on the bus. You obey and step over and onto the bus. You end up sitting beside Yukio anyway in the back. He had made you unbelievably horny, making you rub up his thigh. He turns over and whispers into your ear.
"Don't tease me." He demands, going to your thigh and squeezing it hard.
"Then please finger me," You whispered back, noticing that no one was paying attention to you both. It's probably because you're at the back of the bus and everyone else is at the front. He growled. He gripped your hair and pulled you towards him.
"Don't ever," He pulled your hair harder. "Tell me what to do." You were really wet now. He let go and turned away, looking out the window. You were very bothered at this point, moving around in your seat constantly.
"Yukio, please," You whispered, going ontop of him slightly. You put your courage to the test and went towards his face, going straight for his lips. You wanted to claim them. These were your masters lips. You inched forward, but found yourself stopped by Yukio grabbing your hair again. He quietly and slowly put a finger inside of you, making you collapse on his neck. He fingered you roughly. You attempted to moan but he covered your mouth with his other hand. He added another finger.
"Yukio," You moaned into his ear, gripping his shoulders. You felt yourself tense up, realizing you were at your climax. You whisper moaned as you felt yourself climax.
"Mmm.. Good girl." He licked his lips as he watched you drip onto his hand. Now gently stroking you, he reached his hand up and licked it.
"Someone tastes very sweet," He purred into your ear. You shivered, feeling completely exhausted. Breatheless, you laid there until you fell asleep.

*Yukios P.O.V*

I watched her chest rise and fall, and a blush on her cheeks. Her panties were a bit soaked by now. I reached down to her shirt, unbuttoning it. I can't resist her for much longer. I quickly snapped to my senses and buttoned it back up. I leaned down, and kissed her forehead.

*Your P.O.V*

You awoke to be at the campsite. Yukio motioned you to get off and you did, almost grabbing your bags. Yukio snatched them quickly, winking at you. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your tent. You went to set it up where you thought it would be nice. Yukio stopped you before you could set it up.
"Put it somewhere else. Away from the others." He told you. You shivered, thinking of what might happen. "Listen, there is a cabin not too far from here. I'll come grab you at night and we can go there." You nodded. You grabbed the tent and set it up a bit farther from the others. You went to the middle large tent, which had food that we had to cook on the fire. You and Shima made the fire, putting logs and a grill ontop of it.
"Hey (y/n), want to go out for lunch sometime when we get back?" Without thinking, you replied.
"Yes ofcourse," You smiled. You went to your tent to grab matches. You unzipped the zipper. You felt hands push you into your tent roughly, the person coming in with you. He zipped the door closed quickly. You turned around to see Yukio.
"H-Hey?" You stuttered. He grabbed your throat and pinned you down onto your sleeping bag, slapping you hard.
"What-What did I do?" You almost shouted. He sneered.
"You're going to go out with Shima?" He angrily whispered.
"O-Oh. I wasn't thinking when I said yes! I-I'll cancel it as soon as I see him!"
"Good girl," He muttered. He released you, unzipping your tent.
"W-Wait!" You pulled him back by his collar, making him flop down in front of you. He turned to you, anger marring his face.
"I just wanted to say sorry.." You looked down. He patted your head.
"It's alright." Then he left. You got out of the tent and went to the campfire. You sat down, watching night descend upon the campground. Everyone retired to their tents. You did the same, falling asleep.


You are woken up by your tent unzipping. You sit up groggily, grabbing your flashlight. Yukio pokes his head in.
"Ima karateeeee chop you..." You groggily threaten him. You didn't really realize it was him until he spoke.
"Come with me." You nod, grabbing your sweater and stepping out of the tent. Yukio grabs your wrist, pulling you along into the forest until a cabin is right in front of you both. Yukio grabs his key chain and unlocks the door. You both walk in. You tilt your head at a device that had two ropes close together.
"That's what you're going on." Yukio turns to you and grabs you. You feel your arms being tied up so that you're just above ground. You struggle in the rope. Yukio slowly strides over to you, taking off your shoes, socks, skirt, and underwear.
"N-No, I'm embarrassed..." You blush furiously and struggle in the ropes more.
"It's cute when you struggle." He bites his lip and literally rips off your shirt. You hang there, completely defenseless, and naked. Next thing you know you're blind folded.
"Now you won't know what's gonna happen." You felt a rush of excitement. You felt something rub against you, making you wet. A stinging sensation was on your ass as you realized he had whipped you. You heard someone trying to open the door.
"Yukio, someone's here!" You whisper. His eyes widen. He swiftly puts a chair by the door. You struggled out of the ropes, dropping to the floor. On your hands and knees, you look up at Yukio. He stops rushing and stops to stare at you. He bites his lip, his eyes scanning your body in that position.
"God damnit (y/n).." He throws his coat over your breasts, and gives you your skirt.
"My panties?" You question. Yukio throws them up and catches them, putting them in his pocket. He winks. You blush and put on your skirt and his coat.
"Over here," Yukio points to a backdoor. You both run out the back and turn off the lights, rushing back to the tent. You start to laugh.
"We're so smart!" Before you know it you both are laughing and running through the forest. You trip and fall.
"Are you okay (y/n)?" He crouches down beside you. You roll over, laughing uncontrollably. Yukio rolls his eyes, laughing as well. You stand up and dust yourself off, walking back to your tent.
"Sleep with me?" You ask, standing outside your tent.
"Gladly." You both went into your tent, laying down. He took his coat off of you. You shyly covered your breasts but he ripped your arms away and hugged you into his chest. Listening to his heartbeat, you fell fast asleep.
"Goodnight, master.."

Yukio Okumara x Reader (S&M)Where stories live. Discover now