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*michael's POV*
The rest of the day was complete hell. I sat at lunch by myself, got embarrassed in class by my teacher, and Luke's friend, calum, threw me in the garbage can. THE DAMN GARBAGE CAN!!!...... ok I'm sorry for yelling. It's just that I always thought that type of dumb shit only happens in movies and tv shows, not in actual fucking real life. Why don't I stick up for myself you ask? Well, because I know everything they say about me is true. Like how I'm a worthless fag, how my mom left because I'm a bad son, and also how I'm stupid and I will never be as smart as any of them, that's why. I don't even try to fight them back on it, there's no use, there's no point. I just learned to except that I'll never have someone fall in love with me and want to have a family with me because I'm a worthless fag. They were all right, and even when I tried not to listen to them, it wouldn't work. Their words sunk into me, and I can't let it go.

A/n: sorry my writing is so horrible ^3^ I try my best. Anyway if you enjoyed vote, comment and all that shizzzzz. Ily
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