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* Michael's POV*
As I walked through the school doors a wave of anxiety came over me. All eyes were on me, including my crush, Luke Hemmings. Calling him hot would be understatement, he was gorgeous. He had ocean blue eyes, a black lip ring, dirty blonde hair laid against his forehead, and the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. But the bad news is that he's extremely homophobic. He can't stand gays. Which i never seemed to understand, because there were rumors that he kissed his Best friend calum last year, but I'm not sure. As I continue to walk, scrolling through Luke's Instagram, (I'm not stalking, ok?) I trip over someone's foot and fall face first into the ground. Great.... Just great. As I get up, I can see blood all over my beautiful sweater I just bought yesterday, that crap costed over £800. I was embarrassed, but I got up calmly, got my books and my bag, and headed to the bathroom to clean up, I wasn't gonna let them get to me. But the thing that hurts is, Luke is the one that tripped me..


A/n : sorry my writing sucks. I'm just a beginning writer with a few ideas so I'm giving it a try. Comment, vote, and stuff because I'm thirsty ;))))

Pretty - muke AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz