Chapter 2

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Connor's POV

Spiders in the Athena cabin... It works every time! And they've never tried to get revenge out if fear of MORE SPIDERS! Classic!

"Travis, how many black ink balloons do we have?" I asked. "I wanna prank the Iris cabin."

Travis leaned over the top of our bunk, hanging upside down in staring me as I sat cross legged on the bottom bed of the bunk.

"I dunno," Travis answered. "Ask Sheldon."

Sheldon was our 13 year old personal assistant, our apprentice, our little bro... Our spy. One of his multiple jobs was to keep count of the pranking tools and such cabin 11 had available.

"SHELDON!" I yelled, Travis' face wincing inches from mine.

"Ow!" My brother complained as he swung himself back up onto his bed.

"You called?" Sheldon said, walking through the door. I hopped up and walked over to him.

"Yes, I did, my good eared grasshopper," I confirmed, messing up his scruffy dark brown hair as I spoke.

Travis jumped down from his bunk; "We need to know how many black ink balloons we got left. We're gonna prank the Iris cabin!"

Sheldon pulled a clipboard out what seemed like thin air, and flipped through some papers.

"We've only got two left, but we do have a dozen balloons with pink paint in them. You could prank the Hades cabin?"

I nodded, and looked at Travis, waiting for approval because I wasn't too sure about it, but a knock on the door interrupted. Sheldon went to answer the door, and right after he opened it, he slammed it shut.

"What?" I asked.

"Who is it?" Travis questioned.

"The son of Hades."

The three of us shared a look of fear. Nico di Angelo was scary. No way would we be pranking him. And no way was I answering the door. I shoved Travis towards it.

"Hey!" Travis complained.

"Sorry, bro. Don't be rude, open the door."

"Why can't you do it?"

"Because you're older."

"You're such a baby, you know that, Conner?"


Travis sighed. "Hey, Sheldon, wanna-"


Travis sighed and slowly opened the door, revealing a glaring son of Hades.

"H-hey, Nico! What's up?"

"There's a game of Truth or Dare going on in cabin 9; Hephaestus. I was sent over here to tell you guys about it in assumption that you might want to play." He looked bored as he said this.

Travis didn't seem to know what to say, and he glanced back at me. I turned to Sheldon.

"Uh, Sheldon, do we have any pranking plans?"

"Uhm, yeah, we were gonna, uh-"

Nico stepped foot into the cabin. "I'm not going to playing, if that's what you're worried about. I don't have any interest in foolish games."


Nico left without another sound.

I could have said I wasn't worried about wether or not Nico would be playing Truth or Dare, I could have said none of us were, but that would be a lie. Of course we were ashamed of what had just happened, but Sheldon, Travis, and me all went to play Truth or Dare in the Hephaestus cabin as soon as Nico was out of sight.

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