27 - Family Portrait

Start from the beginning

I had so many unanswered questions about my past, I don't know if I had room for this feeling that was taking over me every-time I saw or was around Jaxon. My main concern should be to locate my brother and my dad but I didn't have the resources for that. I couldn't remember the town we lived in with my dad before my mum ran away with us. I was getting tired of embarrassing myself in front of guys like Drew. I was so convinced he was my brother, especially when he revealed that he too had two sisters and a mum who left. That was until he clarified that they had died in a car accident.

I let out a tired sigh as I got out of bed and quietly evacuated the room. I stopped in front of Jaxon's room, I wanted to knock and see if he was awake. I was emotionally beginning to break and my heart kept trying to convince me to open up to him, my brain knew better. I dropped my hand down and headed down the stairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

I sat at the dining table as I looked over my messages I had sent to my mum these past couple of weeks.

Wed, Feb 10, 8:57 AM
Me: Hi mum, how are you? Just letting you know that we are safe.

Fri, Feb 12, 2:00 AM
Mum: Leave me the fuck alone!!

Thurs, Feb 18, 3:45 PM
Me: Mum have you been taking your medication? You haven't been skipping them have you?

Mon, Feb 22, 1:35 PM
Mum: Who is this?

Mon, Feb 22, 1:43 PM
Me: It's me Avery? Your daughter. I saved my number in your phone ages ago.

Thurs, Mar 3, 9:00 PM
Mum: I don't have any children.

Fri, Mar 4, 4:34 AM
Mum: Avery you and your sister need to come back home before they stop my payments. I need those payments for stuff. STOP BEING SO INCONSIDERATE!!!

Sat, Mar 5, 3:57 AM
Mum: Are you reading my messages? I swear to God Avery! I'll fucking kill you if you don't come back home!!


My head immediately snapped towards the direction of the voice, I quickly wiped the lone tear that had fallen down my face. It was a voice I had become so accustomed to, I recognised the hoarse masculine whisper that never failed to make my heart skip a beat.

"You okay?" He asked as he came to sit next to me. I nodded in approval, to afraid to talk in case my voice gave me out.

He grabbed my phone and switched the screen off before placing it on the table. He then reached for my hand and held it in his, the warmth of his hands instantly began to relax me. I stared at our fingers entwined and noticed just how perfect they fit.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He whispered and for the first time, I didn't shake my head. Somehow I found myself nodding my head in agreement with him.

"What happened when you ran off at the party?" Jaxon asked. I knew this was coming, I saw the way he freaked out when he saw me practically have a nervous breakdown in front of him.

I let out an exhausted sigh before turning to face him "Eight years ago, my parents divorced. The only way they could come to an agreement was to split custody. My mum got Alena and I and my dad got my brother Andrew."

I looked at him as he acknowledged the information before I proceeded, "My mum found out my dad was building a case against her to take full custody of my sister and I because of her drug use, so she packed us up and moved without saying a word."

"Shit Avi-"

I kept going, I didn't give him a chance to speak. I had started and I knew I wanted to tell him everything I could. I wanted to show him I wasn't worthy of love. "I haven't seen my brother and dad in eight years. I don't remember my dads name, I wouldn't even know what they looked like now if they walked past me. My dad probably, but not Andrew. The only reason I remember so much is because whenever I heard something relating to my family, I wrote it in my personal journal as a kid"

"My dad was my hero. He was my everything, I begged him not to leave us alone with her, to take us with him. I came to this town because I thought it was the town I grew up in before we left. I spent the last month thinking, convincing myself that Drew was my brother. Until tonight when he told me his mum and sisters had past away."

The sobs escaped my lips "I miss them so much. I want my best friend back. I want my dad back too but at the same time I'm so angry with him. I hate him for leaving us with her knowing well and truly what she was like."

I couldn't hold the tears in, I let out a cry as I placed my hands over my face to shield the embarrassment. My cry became muffled when Jaxon grabbed my shoulders and embraced me in a bear hug. I stayed in this position, crying until I had nothing left. I couldn't move, I was frozen, in a trance. After what felt like an eternity, I felt myself being carried over to the large sofa in the sitting room. He laid down before placing my head on his chest as he swept my hair away from my face. I wrapped my arms around his waist, being this close in proximity with Jaxon was surprisingly soothing. He didn't judge me, he just listened and comforted me.

I knew at this point that I was starting to fall in love with Jaxon and that was a very bad thing.

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Next Chapter: Avery finds out that Jaxon also holds some secrets about his life. Will she be able to support him the way he did with her?

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