Chapter 2

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"Hayley where are you?" I screamed from the hotel room. "I am here in the bathroom!" I heard her yell back. I ran to the bathroom "do I look ok?" I was wearing my black ripped jeans my white t shirt which has 'Delgado' written on the back and my black high too shoes. "Yes, Chloe you look fine!" She told me "are you sure? How should I have my hair?" I asked her. She turned to look at me. She walked out of the bathroom got a chair walked back in "sit Chloe I have a good idea on how to do your hair" she told me I sit and wait. "Chloe and Hayley it's 12 now and your concert starts at 6:30 you have six and a half hours why are you getting ready now? I heard Lochie ask as he walks into the bathroom. "Because we were going to get ready now than go for a walk get tea come back make sure we are ok and leave" Hayley tells him he rolls his eyes and walks away. "Owww! Your pulling Hayley" I tell her. "There look in the mirror you look amazing!" I look at my hair "OMG" I love it hayley she had it straight than into a plat and it looked really nice. Hayley sits down and does her hair. I feel my phone vibrate I look and its Nathan calling.
C-"hello Nathan?"
N-"hello I just wanted to see how your going? Are you ready to leave?"
C-"the concert starts at 6:30 Nathan it's only. SHIT!!" I yell
N-"bye Chloe have fun" I hear him say. "What's wrong". Lochie yells
"It's 5:50 we need to go"
We get our stuff and leave.
We are currently walking to the concert it 2 blocks from our hotel. I really honestly can't wait to finally meet Chris and I know Chloe can't wait to meet Jakob. We are both so excited and Lochie just doesn't understand!
"Girls please be quit!" Lochie tells us
"Why Lochie we are excited! It's a huge thing for us girls. Do we look ok?" Chloe asks and tells him.
Lochie puts his arm around Chloe and gives her a side hug "you both look beautiful" he tells us while giving Chloe a kiss on the head. "I am sure Dad would be proud watching over you now Chloe" Lochie says.
(Btw Chloe lost her dad 4 years ago)
"Yeah I hope he is Lochie" Chloe says back. "I can't wait to meet Instereo! I wish you could come with us Lochie having 400-500 teenage girls screaming!" I say while laughing making Chloe laugh. "It sucks so much I can't go!" Lochie says sarcastically
We all laugh.
We finally get to the concert it's currently 6:00. "Chloe is that you!?" I hear someone yell at Chloe I turn around its Sarah. Chloe and Sarah have been talking over the Internet for ages and now she is here and Chloe is running to her and they give each other a huge hug!

The boy who changed my lifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin