Chapter 1

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Takagi Fujimaru leave after school at THIRD-I an secret agency who fight with terrorist.Fujimaru work for them like a genius hacker.Two years ago he prevented the spread of Bloody X provoked by J or Kanzaki Jun and his sister and his freind K or Kanzaki Anzai.Now a few month ago he prevented that Spider to detonate an nuclear bomb to distroy Tokyo.He find out that his collegue at his work place that was distroyed,Hibiki,work for Master and they told Protectors and she is his protector.They need to protect that person with they life.
On his way to THIRD-I an strange man stoped him.
-You are Takagi Fujimaru?
-Come with me,he said showing towards an abandonat building.I need to talk to you.
-I'm sorry but i'm not going.First,how do you know my name?Second,I need to go somewere.And third I don't know you.
-From my boss.And i don't know only your name i know you and your code name:Falcon.You are an genius hacker who work for THIRD-I and you stop the Bloody X and the nuclear bomb.
-How do you know so much about me?
-I told you from my boss.Now come with me.
Fujimaru and the stranger enter in the building.
-So what do you want to talk with me?
-My boss found and safe with nuclear bombs but none of his hacker can open it.So he send me after you.
Fujimaru eyes widened.And when he tough that is not going to face terrorist so early.Is seems that he think to fast.
-I'm not going to help you.You are an terrorist. I don't help terrorist.
-Listen here boy.If you accept the offer you with your sister and your friend can leave somewere safe and you are not going to die.
The stranger took out a gun and he pointed on his head.
-I will tell you once.You are going to help us or not?
-I will never help terrorist. I better die.
-So be it.
-I will not do that if i was in your place,said a feminin voice from strager back.Put the gun down.The girl pointed her gun at stranger head.Now!
-Who are you?His girlfriend?
-I'm his protector.
-So patetic.You have an girl like Protector.
-You know what Protectors are?
-Of course.Protectors work for Master and after 2 years of training they give them an target to protect with the cost of their lives.
-Then you know what happens if you tatering the Protect target.
Hibiki took the stranger hand that hold the gun and tight her grip until he drop the gun than she kicked in stomach until he put him down then shoot him,killing him.
-Why you do that?We were have to obtain important information from him.
-An Protector nevere leave a person that repesite an dager to they're target.
-Like when you killed Spider?
-Spider dosen't repesint danger only from you but from all Japan.
-Yeah,but she was my chilhood friend.
-How so?She was 10 years older than you.
-Practicaly she was 4 years old then me and he is a long story.
-That we don't have time.Hibiki pointed her eyes at the dead body.You know the guy?
-No.What he wanted from you?
-He say that his boss discvered an safe with nuclear bombs and he need my help.In exchange I with Haruka and my friends can leave somewere safe.
-I understand.We need to go to anouce THIRD-I.
-We need to go?
-Yeah.I come with you.After all I'm ypur Protector.
-Ok.Oh and how do you know were i was?
-What you don't understand from Protector word.I follow you from shadow and when i saw you enter here i actionate.
-I understand.
Then Hibiki recieved an message on her phone.
-Is something happened?
-Is Master.He say that he need to talk with me urgently.I need to go but i will not leave you unattended.
-What do you mean?
-I'm going to call my parteners.
-You have parteners?I mean you're not the only one who work fro Master?
-No.Two month ago another 2 members joined us.
Hibiki go to call her partener.
-It's me.Master said he need to talk with me urgently and i can leave Fujimaru unattended.
-Ok.I will come with my brother.Tell him to meet us at bus station.We will come with an white van.
-Ok.Hibiki close his phone.I talk and she said that she will come with her brother and you need to wait them at bus station. They will come with an white van.
-Ok.See ya.Be careful
-You too.Bye.
After Hibiki leaves Fujimaru go to the bus station to wait for her parteners.

-Boss the plan work,said an terrorist from an building roof.The girl leave to her Master. When she is going to find that he was a trap the boy will be us or dead.
-Perfect.You have the serum?
-Yes.I'm sure that he will want to help us in exchange of the antidote.If is not then he will die.
-Good.Don't waste time go after boy.

Fujimaru stay in a bus station when someone caught from hoh back.
-Who are you?
-This doesn't matter. The terrorist put a needle at his neck. Your last chance boy. You are going to help us or not?
-I told and your partner. I reither day than help you.
-Then this will be.
The terrorist injected the serum in Fujimaru neck but not at all because someone pointed a gun at his head.
-Put the needle down and eliberate Fujimaru.
Fujimaru eyes winded. He knew the voice
-We didn't see for a way.
The terrorist drop the needle and free Fujimaru
-Fujimaru leave.
When Fujimaru wanted to leave he collapsed. Anzai he go by his side.
-What happened.
-I can move my legs. They are numb.
The terrorist started to laugh.
-What is it so funny? Anzai ask pointing her gun at him.
- The serum that I injected him will make him numb then fevers, nausea like flu then he will die. Only my boss has the antidote. You have 3 days. Don't worry is not contagious.

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