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🔸Giovanni's point of veiw🔸
I get no fucking sleep in this god damn jail cell. Between this damn mattress that Brielle bitch, what gives her the right to treat us like school children. But ey look at the bright side day three and I haven't gotten any of those withdra... oh shit. I lean over the bed and cover my mouth. I'm gonna throw up holly fuck bathroom bathroom. I bust through my door and run over the men's side, find the closest toilet lean over and god damn that was close.
After I'm done puking for the fifth time I go to the sink and wash out my mouth and brush my teeth. I spit the water out and stare at myself. I feel like I just fucking died. "I need a fucking drink." Out of the corner of my eye I see the bathroom door crack open and Cameron pokes in their head. "Oh hey." Their eyes widen and out of no where the door closes and Cameron is gone. That's one weird little fucker. I dry of my face and make my way back to my room and notice that tiny fucker watching me from that little padded cell. I stop. "What do you want? I'm fucking pissed right now I just threw up every organ in my body and I'm really craving a fucking case of beer!" As fast as before the little head pops back into the room and the door closes. "Aha."
I fall back into bed and close my eyes. I'm exhausted maybe I'll finally get some sleep now.


"EYY WHO'S READY FOR ROUND SIX!" I laugh my ass off and raise my hand. "HIT ME UP BENNY!" Benny walks over to me with a tray of shots in hand. "Before we start!" He jerks the tray away before I can get my paws on some. "A toast to are best and most frequent customer. Giovanni Boswell!!!" He grabs my hand and raises it high and the whole bar and I take a gulp of whatever we had in front of us. Benny hands me the tray and I swallow those shots faster then a fucking... fucking... I don't know whatever is fast! "Hahaaa Benny buddy. I wouldn't be this happy if it weren't for you!" "Gio! Gio! Gio!" The bar chants my name! Hahaa.
"Gio! Giovanni Boswell!" hmmm yes. "I know I know calm down everyone." someone shakes me a bit aggressively. "Gio get your ass up for the last time!" What? Aw hell no. "Bitch let me sleep I'm having a good as dream. Why don't you fetch me a drink ey?" A swift sharp zap of pain hits the side of my face. What in the world did she just slap me?! I stand up and size her up. "Did you just fucking hit me?" Brielle grabs me by the collar and drags me out the door. "Yes I did now get out here right now." Ugh I'm too tired for this shit. She jerks me over and makes me take a seat next to the weird little fucker. It's not the first time I've been humiliated in front of crowds. I'm used to it. "Well look what finally came out of its cave." Oh god I don't want to deal with any more little bitches. "Shut the fuck up Sheyla." She laughs and gives me an evil grin. "Maybe I would if I just didn't have anything bad to say about you." Kill me. "Excuse me? Why the fuck do you hate me we just met?! Bitch you don't even know me!" She crosses her legs and leans back into her chair. "I majored in psychology my friend. I know you pretty well already. And second, hate, takes energy. Any ounce of energy wasted on you is worthless." "Why you little mother fucker." I stand up really fast and head towards her. Brielle steps in between us and pushes me back. "Stop both of you right now! I want to get the day started! If you two want to act like little kids get out so I can actually help those who want it!" Cameron and Tyler meet eye contact for a second and look away. I stare down Sheyla and take my seat again. "Go ahead start the day." I shrug and sink in my chair. Bitches gonna bitch.
"Now today since Tyler is feeling a bit better we're going to be....." I zone her out and stare at the ceiling. Why did I join this shitty camp. I don't even have a fucking problem. I just like to drink a lot that's all. And God damn I really fucking miss it.
I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I look over to the source of it. Huh the weird fucker. "I bet if Sheyla and you fought you would win." Cameron whispers to me. Ha I bet I would. I laugh a bit and give the weird fucker a soft punch on the arm. "I would." Brielle turns her head to Cameron and I. "Pay attention. You're not here to chit chat with your friends." Cameron looks away a bit scared I assume from the reprimand. But that's not my friend what the hell. "Hey that's not my friend Brielle." "Well then stop talking." She starts her lectures again asking questions again and I notice that little fucker begin to tear up. Oh god I made it cry. Way to go Gio.
"Alright go change in fifteen minutes we will meet out in the main hall way of the building. We're going to run laps. And make sure to bring the buckets that are placed under your bed. A couple of you will throw up it always happens, recovering drug and alcohol users tend to throw up as a side effect of withdrawal." Ah so that's what happened to me? And hey I can run pretty fast. I bet I can out run this short legged fuckers.
(20 mins later)

Brielle all dressed sporty like a fucking PE coach I bet she's not even gonna run? She steps in front of us. "I need you to run from here to the end of the hall way as many times as possible. I advice you strongly to carry your buckets with you especially Sheyla Tyler and Giovanni. Cameron I believe you'll be fine." I don't need a bucket I won't throw up I emptied out my stomach last night there's nothing left. "Line up side my side and on my mark you make go. " I get I'm position and prepare myself. "Go!" Hehe. I starts off fast leaving the rest of the group behind me as they seem to simply jog. I touch the end of the hall and come back even faster then before. I speed by the others more the once already and laugh. "Speed it up guys don't let Tyler out run you he's and old man!" "I'm not that old!" Tyler replies.
It's my ninth lap. I'm running out of breath. I touch the wall one more time and come back to the start where I meet Cameron sitting in the floor. "How many.." I pant in between words. "Laps did you do?" Cameron raises a hand and holds up one finger. "Only one?" I receive a nod in response. "Are you done as well? You seem tired." Boy I'm not tired. "Nah. I'm Not tired just catching my breath." "Oh okay then." They look back down at their hands as they make odd little movements with them. God the fucker isn't even impressed. I stand back up straight and start up again. I pass by Sheyla multiple times and laugh every time I do. Haha I bet she hates me deep down inside.
I swear if the Brielle pairs me up with her I'm jumping into a volcano.

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