the middle

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It's been a year since her family died, been a full year her brothers been haunting her. Not letting her live her life....not letting her die. She sat in the white room they stick her in. They were watching her, waiting for him to show. A breeze flowed in the room which was impossible cause it was enclosed. The slight shift of her hair and she knew, "He's here." Switches flipped up, cameras turned on, and she braced herself.

"Let me die david. Stop saving me! I don't wanna live you made this life a living HELL FOR ME!" He sat in front of her his solid form appearing. He had found clothes by now. He took her head in his hands, "Clara Kingsley I love you. I'm not letting you kill yourself."she slapped his hands away.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME DAVID YOU CANT!" she noticed the zipper on her jacket and smiled. She picked it up and shoved it into her throat it pierced her skin and killed her.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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