The End Of Tour

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Nikki and I just got back from being on tour with the guys. I haven't talked to anyone since the fan came up to me. I was flying down the highway my music blasting when someone swerved into my lane. I swerved to miss them and the car lifted off the ground.

I opened my eyes and I was upside down and the windshield was shattered. There were lights flashing and a guy was being put in a cop car. I unstrapped my seat belt and kicked my windshield out. I crawled out and as soon as the EMTs and policemen saw me they came running over.

"Miss are you alright? Is there anybody else in the car?" They asked.

"No I'm alone, my name is Jade." I said as everything started spinning.

"Let's get you to the hospital, looks like you need stitched up and X-rays." They said as they walked me to the ambulance.

We got to the hospital and I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. Surprisingly the screen was fine. It was almost 5 in the afternoon. The doctor came in and told me that they were taking me to X-ray.

The X-rays came back that I had internal bleeding, along with broken ribs and a sprained foot. The internal bleeding would explain why they said I needed to get there and be seen because my stomach was starting to bruise.

I was laying resting as I was getting a blood transfusion waiting to go into surgery when I got a phone call from Calum. "Hey why did I just get a call that you're in the hospital what happened? I'm coming to see you." He said and I just started crying. I couldn't tell him about the fan and everything right now. I just wanted him to make me feel better.

I wanted him to hug me and comfort me. I wanted him to kiss my forehead and stroke my hair telling me I'll be okay and that he'll be here waiting for me when I come back, but he can't.

I hung up the phone without saying a word and the doctor came in and got me prepped for surgery. I was sitting starring at the door when I started getting tired, off into a medical induced sleep.

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