15 facts

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1. Visiting Italy has been my biggest dream. I've just came back from there :)
2. I'm Polish
3. I'm HOLOsexual
4. While reading "Twist and Shout" I cried only once, when Adam died
5. I think I found my soulmate friend
6. I'm sick at the moment
7. I'm scared of water
8. I still have the rose my ex-boyfriend gave me
9. I'm obsessed with playing the guitar
10. I'm the best student in my school for the second time
11. I'm currently watching an anime
12. I'm in love with pastel!Dan/ punk!Phil AU
13. I annoy people with chemistry, math and musical theory jokes
14. I have a nail stamp, but I don't have a stamping plate
15. I can sing, but I don't enjoy doing it in front of people

15 Songs (a.k.a They Tagged Me O.o)Where stories live. Discover now