Panic! bc challenge

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Rules :
Post all the rules (they said post, not follow #I'm such a rebel
Tag 12 people (NOPE)
Answer all 13 questions and make 13 more
Don't skip tags
Tags back are allowed
Have it done in 2 weeks
Be creative with the title.
You have to answer in a book, not in comments.

I was tagged by FortheloveofPhans
Thanks, again, friend ;)

1. Favourite band/ singer?
2. Last book you read?
Last book I read (and I haven't finished yet) is "Metro 2035" by D. Glukhowsky (I hope I spelled that right)
3. Last person you texted?
Bartek, my classmate
4. What makes you happy?
And math, 'cuz I'm a weird person who likes math.
5. Sexuality?
87% asexual.
6. Hobbies?
Hmm..., reading books, manga, gaming.
7. What job do you want?
To be honest, I have no idea. I mean my dream is to become a journalist, but I have like no talent in writing, so it won't work.

So, a fireman, maybe? A psychologist or sth?
8. But show you have ever seen?
"Star Wars : Clone Wars"
9. Favourite candy?
Kisiel. I actually checked it in dictionary and it translates to 'jelly', but it's not actually jelly. It's like more liquidy, I think
10. Person who you really like to meet?
Like one? Or many?
I'm going with many.
So I would like to meet a Polish games reviewer Tomek Drabik (quaz9 on YouTube, also quazabroad is his English channel), Dan and Phil (obviously), Metallica and Halestorm members and FortheloveofPhans ;)
And I would also like to see Lindsey Stirling again.
11. Last food you ate?
My grandma's sandwiches with ham.
Yes, my grandma feeds me xD
12. What's your opinion on llamas taking over the world?
13. What is your ideal relaxation day?
Playing guitar in a quiet place, reading some books, watching some shows. And lots of bananas...
Wait, that came out wrong!
Bananas have endorfines, and I can't really eat chocolate!

So that's it. I might add some tags later, but I'm too tired right now.
I guess I will forget about that.

15 Songs (a.k.a They Tagged Me O.o)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt