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Because eri-k-a told me to continue 😂

Gavin POV

"Are you sure? I mean he looks pretty dead." I fluttered my eyes open. How long was I out?

Flashbacks of the previous events rushed through my head like a bullet to the heart. I let it happen too. Michael wanted to make my life better yet he knew it would make his worse.

I groaned as my eyes adjusted to the faint streaks of sunlight that flooded into the alley.

"See I told you he wasn't dead. He's moving."

A bubble of ear escaped my lungs as I practically came back to life, adjusting to slight pain that existed throughout my body. My ears were ringing and everything was slow at first. If I could describe it, it was like slow motion. And then k was back into reality.

"Yeah well I say we leave him. One less mouth to feed."

I tilted my head up, green hues falling upon two men. What were they doing here? I thought this place was run down and abandoned? One of the ace was familiar. Middle-aged. Beard.

It was the man from before. I know that it's specific. But the one with the apple stand. The one that most definitely hates me.

Yet he was the one encouraging the other to take me. Take me where?

"Wait I know you." I crawled to my feet, using the wall as a support by leaning against it when I felt as though I were going to plummet. "You're the guy whose stand got knocked over. The one in which I fixed."

He paused and looked at me for a second and when he was able to recall such events he nodded. "Oh yeah I remember you. You're the one who worked for the King."

I nodded and lifted a hand to scratch the back of my dirty head. "Used to..."

"That's understandable."

"Wait why are you out here? Of all places? How did you make it past the guards? What about Achievement City?"

He smiled lightly,"I left before the City could be filled with military. Simple as that."

"How did you know the King would be mad?"

He clicked his tongue and slurred his words into his breathing, searching for something to say. "Well.." He lifted his head to look at the other being and I did the same.

He was walking away from the man and I and dressed...different than what one would call casual.

"Just follow me. And ignore him. He doesn't like change." He turned and led me out of the alley, my eyes having to adjust once more and then throughout the rundown vicinity.

The walls were cracked, wooden structures burned to the ground, and the town center utterly trashed. Did these guys live here?

"My name is Jack by the way." He said without turning to me.

He had ginger hair, a beard, and wore green and red. His belt consisted of a pick axe and other useful tools such as a sword and he seemed like he knew what he was doing. 

"I'm Gavin."

"Well Gavin it's nice to know you made it out of that hell hole alive. How are things? I haven't been there since the night of the... King's appearance if you will call it that."

He squinted and looked at the pavement, my shoes picked up dust but I didn't mind.

"Not good. The place is literally a hell hole. Guards are constantly aligned by the outer wall of Achievement City. No one gets in or out of the City and everyone constantly works. If the King thinks you aren't good enough he sentences you to death..." I lifted my head and tugged on the green scarf I had. "It's kind of the reason I ended up here."

Over Again Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ