Gavin POV

"You're late." Michael said from above me upon approach of the outer wall.

I nodded,"Indeed." Before bending over with my hands resting on both of my knees in order to maintain my breath once more.


"I'm not always late." I protested while bellowed over and then stood with one hand on my hip, head cocked up to look at Michael.

"I could beg to differ." He replied in a muttered tone before I lost sight of his brown head.

I figured he had walked away to open the gate for me and all the while he did so, I made small eye contact with the two guards who were stationed on the ground on both sides of the gate.

My feet rocked back and forth and I lightly began to whistle.

Michael was a fighter, it's what he had always been doing since I met him and since I started working for the King. He was such a good fighter that he became the leader of the regiment which is a big accomplishment seeing it was the King's army and the King only appointed the best of the best.

Michael never really shows affection toward me or anyone at all, but he likes to joke at times-and most of the time with me.

But I don't mind.

"Hi." My mind said but my mouth didn't as I waved a hand at one of the two guards who didn't bother to look at me, their heads strictly facing forward out at the land behind me.

Before I could turn to look back at Achievement City and the lights that I now presume are glowing in the distance, the gate shuttered and then began to lift with a creaky noise.

The brown wood and iron plates rose above me allowing for entry into the fairgrounds of the castle and slowly but surely I entered.

Michael stood in the middle of the fairgrounds with an unpleasant smile on his face,"What?" I said passing him and brushing shoulders with him on purpose.

I kept walking but he swiftly grabbed hold of the green and yellow cloth of my sleeve and didn't let go.

"You aren't going to bother to mention why you're late?" He asked and I chuckled.

"I got caught up." I shrugged,"I had to help a man." My eyes caught glimpse of the sheath at his waist that differed greatly from my own.

Since Michael was in charge of the army he was the only soldier given a diamond yielded sword which was excruciatingly different from an average old sword like mine.

I swallowed.

"I apologize. I'll take up the cleaning for the King's servants and it won't happen again."

"Good." He said releasing his grip and then turned to walk along beside me, the gate creaking back down behind us.

Together we were two very different people. Him, a strong, independent warrior. Me, a fairly capable man that could be intelligent at times. His outfit by far more fit for fighting than mine.

Mine consisting of a green and yellow pattern which blue trim here and there and the brown makeshift gloves that served no purpose at all. His consisting of brown fur with splotches of red and even red jewels that hinted he was special including a red cape with a hood that he never used. Next to his heart a badge that showed he was part of the army and below it another that signaled he was in charge of it.

His outfit was sophisticated I won't lie, but it was more suited for fighting where as mine was sophisticated for regular living and daily work.

He also had a helmet made of gold that would peak the edge of his forehead without covering his hair. Kind of like a crown.

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