Chapter 2

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Kellin's POV:
I start to wake up, feeling warm for once, I haven't even had a nightmare tonight. I move closer to the source of the warmth but realizing what the source is makes my whole body freeze. It's a fucking person. Next to me in my bed!

I move away from the unknown person and look around the room which is when I realize that I'm not even in my own room. The person groans at my sudden quick movements and when I look over to them I see no one less than Vic. At first I'm confused, I don't even know him. I've only half talked to him like one time. Why am I  in his bed? Oh god..

I pull off the covers to thankfully reveal the two of our bodies fully dressed.

I start to remember bits and pieces of the previous day, I remember drinking, a lot. I remember Vic walking into the bathroom and find me, I know we talked, I know I had my arms around him, I know he didn't notice himself grabbing my ass. Then it's just black. Did I pass out after that or what? I look over at Vic again, seeing him fully awake this time.

"Hey, Vic?"


"What happened last night? Like, I remember some parts, like what happened in the bathroom and so but what happened after you got embarrassed about grabbing my ass?" I say, being straight forward.

Vic blushes at my words but answers my question anyway.

"Um, I lead you out of the bathroom and you joined me at the booth I was at with my friends for like two seconds before I made you drink some water and then you fell asleep on my shoulder so I carried you here since I didn't want you to be alone."

Vic looks down at the end of his explanation and starts playing with the sheet between his fingers. It's clear that he's doing it because he's nervous. Am I the one making him do that? Am I the one making him all nervous? That doesn't really sound believable. I don't make people nervous, I'm just me.

"Oh, okay. Thanks, I guess" I don't really know what to say in a situation like this. Both because I've never slept in the same bed as a person I don't know before and also because, I'm not used to people looking out for me like that. At least not people who don't even know me.

Why would Vic take care of me anyway? Did he feel bad for me because he found me as a wreck on the bathroom floor? Oh fuck.. Vic Fuentes found me as a wreck on the bathroom floor, he'll think I'm a freak. What if he tells people at school? I think he's quite popular so everyone will believe him. The thought makes it feel like my throat is closing up, breathing is getting harder. No, I can not panic now. Not in front of Vic of all people. What happened last night is bad enough.

"Um, I have to go. Thanks for, you know, taking care of me last night," I say as I pick up my shoes. Before Vic has the chance to answer I'm making my way down the stairs, shoes still in my hands.

I hurry to the hallway where I put the black converse on before I reach out to open the door but of course Vic has to stop me. I'm caught between his arms when he grabs hold of the door handle with one hand and rest his other against the door beside my head.

"Don't you want to have breakfast or something?" Even if it's just a simple question it feels like he's looking into my soul when he asks it. Looking into my soul and figuring out all my secrets. I wish I could stay for breakfast, I wish I could spend time with Vic, I wish I could get to know him. I really do. But I can't get close to someone, we'll both end up hurt and I've already been hurt so many times.

"I - I can't. I have to go." I turn to open the door but Vic still has his hand on the door handle so it's not really like I can put mine there.

"Kellin, I kind of want to talk to you. You said some things last night that had me worried so I don't really like the thought of you going home alone.." He says the last part like if he is embarrassed to say it. If someone should feel embarrassed it's me, I'm the one who was a completely mess yesterday. Well, I'm actually a mess most of time, I just didn't hide it yesterday.

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