13| Caramel Apples

Start from the beginning

But next to her Kellie was cackling. I turned my attention to her.

"What did you do?"


"I think I will name you guys," Katy took a sip of her drink while holding up her spoons. "You shall Spoony, then Moony, then . . . Jack."

I narrowed my eyes back at Kellie. "That isn't nothing."

"Just a tiny experiment."

"Let me see that," I took Katy's drink ignoring her protest and sniffed. Just as I thought, the sweet scent couldn't mask the bitterness. "You put liquor in her drink?"

"Just a little," she made a gesture to show me just how little.

Suddenly Katy started crying. "Why did Jack have to die?! Why didn't get just get on the door with Rose?"

I'm going to kill Kellie.

"Isn't it illegal to tamper with someone's drink?" Violet asked.

"It was just a joke!" Kellie defended. "Besides I was serious when I said I barely put anything in it. It's maybe 5% alcohol."

Katy's tears turned into full out sobbing. "She said she would never let go! She said they would always be together! Then she just drops him!" She dropped one of her spoons for emphasis.

"Let me see that," Violet grabbed Katy's drink from my hand and took a sip. After a second she frowned. "You can barely taste it."

"And how would you know anything about alcohol?" I snatched the drink back and narrowed my eyes at the bluenette.

She gave a sheepish smile right when Katy started singing My Heart Will Go On between sobs while clutching a napkin. This was starting to really get out of hand. Well, actually it's been out of hand. I really didn't want to end the night so early, but as soon as Katy hit the chorus and nearly fell out of her chair I knew it was time.

"Okay, that's it. I'm taking her home," I stood up.

"I think that's a good idea," Lamar nodded.

"I'll help you," Violet got up as well.

"I swear I didn't know it would make her this loopy," Kellie gestured to Katy who was now laying her head on the table, her eyes drooping.

I groaned and went over to shake Katy's arm a little trying to get her attention. "Hey, Shortcake. I'm taking you home."

Her head snapped up immediately to look at me. "You are?"

"Yeah. It's, uh, getting late."

For some reason, her eyes only welled up even more. "That's the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me! Just wait right here, I need to tell Spoony and Moony goodnight."

"Oh boy," Lamar shook his head then ushered his girls to go clean up the dining room table. They probably shouldn't see this right now.

While Katy had another crying fit, not moving an inch from where she sat, I decided to take matters into my own hands and lifted her up. To Violet, I said, "Go ahead and start the car. The keys are on the kitchen counter." She nodded and went straight to work. Then I turned to Lamar, "Is there anything else you need from us?"

But he waved me off. "Just take her home and get her fixed up. Make sure she drinks plenty of water too."

"Got it. Thanks for a great night."

"Anytime. You are always welcome here you know."

He means well, but I couldn't help to imagine what he might think of me if he knew what I really did. Lamar would never want me around his daughters, or Katy for that matter. Still, it was nice to know someone cared.

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