The Death of a Unicorn

Start from the beginning

I was shaking more than ever. I had been so arrogant thinking I was brave enough to take on Quirrell and Voldemort by myself. How could I have been so stupid?

“Let her go,” Voldemort whispered. “She doesn't know it is us.”

His voice sent tremors through me, and it was even spookier since I had no idea where the voice was coming from. My legs finally listened to my mind, and I was running.

Of course I know who you two are! I thought frantically as I ran. And that is disgusting!

I ran as fast as I could, knowing that they weren't following me but still terrified. Tears were flowing down my cheeks, and I hated myself for crying. Where was that fearless Nixie that could take on the world? Where was that Nixie that could stop someone from dying? I couldn't feel my magic flowing in my like usual, and I felt naked without the power surrounding me.

The only thing that could make this worse was if Malfoy saw me.

I was getting tired. I could see things moving in the shadows, between the trees. I could have sworn something scratched my elbow, but when I looked down it wasn't bleeding. The forest was driving me insane.

I tripped over a root that I didn't see before, and fell to my knees. Giving up, I stayed down. I was going to be stuck in the forest forever with who-knows- what lurking in it. The ground was bone dry and dead leaves littered it. Absently, I watched a giant spider the size of my fist crawl by me.

The sight frightened me; I hadn't known that spiders could grow that big.

“HELP!” I screamed hopelessly.

Why had I left school grounds? Why was I such an imbecile? I had already known that it was Quirrell, so why would I follow him? The song of the dying unicorn filled my ears and tears fell even faster. It had needed my help, but I didn't think twice when running. Why was I in Gryffindor? The Sorting Hat was right when it wanted to put me in Slytherin; it had known that my self preservation was too strong for me to be in Gryffindor.

“HELP!” I cried out.

I took out my wand and cast all the spells I knew. It was no use, however. Out of all the spells I'd studied, I'd never looked up anything about sending out signals. The spells I had cast had only set fire to leaves, blew up boulders, and made things fly.

“M-Malfoy?” a voice behind me squeaked.

I got up quickly. I know that voice! I turned around the tree to see Neville crying bu himself. He had his wand pointed in front of him, which was useless since he didn't even know how to cast a proper spell.

“BOO!” a blonde kid grabbed Neville by the shoulders, frightening him.

Neville, being the not-so-brave Gryffindor he was known as, panicked and sent sparks up in the sky.

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