Getting the Assignment

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Chapter one (prologue)

Getting the assignment



I shoved the stupid paper in my bag and rested my head on the desk.

Of course it just had to be the freaking bad boy.

I looked across the room to see him smirk while he tucked the paper into his jean pocket. Well, at least someone is happy with who he got.

Lucky him.

39 Minutes ago.

I was making my way to my English class when I was shoved to the ground. Quickly, I braced myself with my palms.

"Watch it nerd," I tilted my head so I made eye contact with the notorious bad boy; Ryder Black. He was wearing his usual outfit; black jeans, dark blue shirt that brought out his blue eyes, his ratty, torn black Converse, and his hair done messily as if he applied no effort to it. Which he most likely did not.

Albeit his hot appearance he has the worst personality; rude, ignorant, arrogant, and cocky. He was the guy that the girls wanted, and the boys wanted to be.

Which for me, was the ultimate turn off.

Rolling my eyes at our ritual, yes ritual, I stood up and adjusted my backpack.

I quickly made my way down the hallway, trying my best not to be late for Mr. O'Reiley's class again. One more time and I would land myself in detention.

At the last second I opened the door just as the bell had rung.

I looked over to his desk to see he was hunched over making eye contact with me. "Cutting it close there, Ms. Winters," he stated with a smile as he stood up. I rolled my eyes and reciprocated his smile. "Take a seat," he turned around to face the board and grabbed a piece of chalk.

Taking my usual seat in the back of the class room, I looked up to see he wrote 'new project'. Mr. O'Reiley wiped the white powder off of his fingers and turned to face his students. Most of them shared bored looks, but I was clearly excited. A new project!!!!!

Okay, I guess you tell I am a sort of nerd. Sure, I might not be a stereotypical nerd, I sit in the back of the room, I am usually tardy. But besides that, I always get the job done rather quickly, I make good grades, and I can be categorized as socially awkward.

That is just the normal me, well as normal as you can get when it comes to being me.

"For the next three months we will be working on a project," and let the chorus of groans begin. "Oh shut it," Mr. O'Reiley gave us all a knowingly smirk. "As I was saying, over the three months you will be writing to one of your classmates. A couple of letters if you will. That being said, I will be randomly assigning you all your partners, today. Some of you may or may not get the same person as you are writing to. Where you choose to leave the letters is up to you guys. Also, I will ask you to write a letter at least two times a week, because at the end of the three months you will guess who was writing to you. Which reminds me about the most important rule; you can not sign your name." All the while he was talking about the requirements and such, I jotted down all of the information. "I will be coming around with your partners now," he turned around to grab a basket. Mr. O'Reiley walked towards the back first and made his way up each row.

As soon as I received mine I opened the folded piece of paper.

Ryder Black.

I checked the piece of paper a thousand times, opening it again, turning it over, but the name remained the same.

My eyes snapped towards the brunette who had just gotten his slip.

Internally groaning, I crumpled the piece of paper. I shoved the stupid paper into my bag, and rested my head on the desk.

Of course it just had to be the freaking bad boy.

I looked across the room again to see him smirk while he tucked the paper into his jean pocket. Well, at least someone is happy with who he got.

Lucky him.




After the whole English scenario, I decided that spending my lunch in the library would be the best thing for me. One being that there would with out a doubt be no sign of Ryder, but I also would not be hounded with questions from Jess.

"Haley Winters! Where the hell are you?" I guess I spoke to soon.

"Over here. Just pipe it down, would you?" I glared at my best friend, well my only friend to be exact. Although, I guess you could say that since we have known each other for what five years now, our relationship towards each other could be defined as a sisterly love.

"Pipe it down, who do you think you are to tell me to 'pipe it down'," she claimed with each word her voice got purposely louder. Rolling my eyes at her antics, I decided to ignore her and get back to my history paper. "So, who did you get?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked trying to avoid the topic.

I love Jess, I really do, but that girl can not keep anything to herself.

"Stop playing innocent," I laughed as she gave out a few colorful words and crossed her arms. "Oh come on PWEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...." she dragged on.

"Fine, just no one can know who it is. Alright?" while she bounced in her chair, I rolled my eyes and took out a piece of paper. Scribbling down 'Peter Cottontail', I slipped it to her just as the bell rang.

"Bitch!" I heard her yell as I exited the library.


Okay, do not worry too much about this chapter. I really should not even call it that since it is more of a prologue if anything. The next chapter will be longer and less all over the place.

So please do not go off of this horrible excuse of a chapter.

Love ya's



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