Present Prom Date

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Sally smiled at herself softly, staring at her reflection. With the makeup, dress, and heals, she seemed so grownup. She couldn't believe she was going to prom. It all went by so fast.

Sally lifted her phone. Her date should be here any moment. She squealed, realization hitting her.
Her date, should be here, any moment.
Cleo, her cousin, poked her phone.
"Hey Cleo."
"Hi Sally, you look really pretty."
"Thank you. So do you." Cleo was jealous that Sally got to dress up, and was now wearing a dress of hers. "My dress actually fits you."
"You're small." She piped. "It's not like I had much to fill."
"You are exactly like Adam." Sally chuckled, smiling wide.

"Can I see your phone?" She snatched it, running in circles.
"Cleo!" Sally exclaimed at her young cousin. "Give it back!" Cleo ran away with her phone, laughing. Sally heard her scream, and ran in the direction the girl went, suddenly panicked. "Cleo!"
She stopped when she saw Cleo in Adams hands, him dressed in a suit.

"Hey." He said softly.
She blushed and looked towards the ground. He put the girl down. Cleo looked at them and giggle.
"You guys are cute! Auntie! Uncle! Sally's date it here!" She ran away, her little feet pounding on the ground.

"Yo-you, you look great." Adam stuttered nervously.
"Uh, thanks. So do you."
He held out his hand and smiled. She grabbed it, smiling too.
"Is this really happening?"
"What?" Adam asked, confused.
"You're my prom date," She said so quietly, he barely heard her. He chuckled, holding her close.

"This feels weird." He laughed.
"What's does?"
"With those heals, your too tall." Sally slapped his arm playfully, but she couldn't help but laugh.
"Would you like me to change?" When he didn't respond, she chuckled, leading him to her room. She slid of the pumps, looking in her closet for a set of flats. She found a simple pair of black slip ons and put them on. Turning back to Adam, she pecked his cheek. "Better?"
"Much," he mumbled, biting his lip.
"Oh nothing. I would just like to see you dancing." She hit his arm and left her room, him in tow.
"Let's go, my parents are going to want pictures, and we don't want to be late."

As suspected, her mom had the camera ready when they reached downstairs.
"Say cheese!" She squealed. The shutter clicked.
"Mom, please."
"Sorry, but you just look too-" the sitter clicked again. "Cute!"
"Fine, one more and then we're leaving." The couple scooted together, Adams arms around her. "Okay, bye Mom, bye Dad."

The two got into Adams car and he turned the key, the engine turning over.
"Well, let's go." Sally said, a wide smile plastered along her face.
"Yep, let's go." Their hands latched together and he rolled down he driveway.

Spooksville:One-Shots Adam and SallyWhere stories live. Discover now