Chapter 3 - Lone Boy!!

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It said,

''Miss Happy Girl or whosoever you're, you know nothing about me and my life and who the hell gave you the right to read my letter? Stay away from me or else it wouldn't be good for you", Lone boy.

"How dare he?", I angrily crumpled the paper and threw it on the ground.

He shouldn't have messed with me, but I won't keep quiet. I opened my bag and tore a page from my notebook and took out my only single pen, and wrote,

"I was trying to help you, you rudester. No need to get all worked up. I'm not interested in your life, but stop dropping your things at my place. This is my place and stay the hell away from here and better don't show me your face ever or else you'll be dead that very instant for being such a jerk to me".

Happy girl.

Fully satisfied with my answer, I kept my pen back in my bag. You see, unlike school, we college student hardly have one or two notebooks and a single pen along with us for all the subjects, and we can't lose that stationary.

I kept the paper beneath the stone at the same place, I knew he'll come here again and when that lone boy come, he'll get his answer.


Two hours passed away by attending lectures and my eyes were just dropping down now and then. It was really hard for me to keep my eyes open. These lectures were like super boring but I don't want to get detention due to low attendance, I've to attend the classes.

The bell rang and I left out a sigh. Finally, lunch break. It means no book, no lecture for one hour, only food and peace. Our college had done a great job of giving this one hour break in between.

I moved to my locker to keep back my book and Jason joined me. We both moved to the canteen and grabbed an empty seat along with our meals and waited for Cali to came.

Unlike us, she doesn't have to stand in a line for her meal, her fans did this for her. Every day, one boy came and handed her tray to us at our place.

Popular people!!

"The lectures were super boring. I'm feeling sleepy", I said and placed my head on my palm on the table.

"They're not that boring Cole. You're looking tired though", Jason said.

"Actually we had a party last night, so I couldn't get enough sleep", I told him and sipped my coffee along with the sandwich.

"Are you Cali's friend?", One of the junior class boys came along with a tray full of meals asked me.

"Yes, it's me. Thanks", I said and took the tray.

"Wow, Max take care of her girlfriend like really so much!", Jason exclaimed.

"I know, lucky she", I said.

In our college, most people call me as Cali's friend. Earlier, I used to correct them by telling my name but now I'm used to of this.

Soon, Cali came into sight approaching towards us with a smile and behind her was Max.

Don't tell me he'll company us, my mind commented.

"Hey guys wassup", Cali said and sat along with us and Max too joined.

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