"Once I get the money from your... semi-decent boyfriend here, then yes, I would." Grinning from ear to ear, Ben let out a low growl as he sent a glare over to Hux.

"I'm a far better boyfriend to y/n than you could ever possibly be." Ben snapped.

"Yes, because dating in secret makes it all the better... why are you dating in secret anyway? Aside from your families not knowing?" Hux curiously asked as he tilted his head.

"Stop asking questions you know you won't get answers to, Armitage." Giving him a dirty look, he simply shrugged.

"Remember who you're talking to, I know all about this secret relationship, with one single drop of evidence, I could ruin it all for you two," Hux slightly leaned forward as he threatened.

Without even second thinking it, you slid your arm from Ben's hold and felt your now balled fist come into contact with Hux's jaw, causing him to bend forward as he held onto it. "Don't you dare think you can threaten me or my relationship you asshat. You can keep your filthy gallery, I rather you stay here than live anywhere near me."

Turning on your heel, you stormed out as you left Ben standing there, his fists now clenched as his jaw tightened from the urge to do exactly what you did to Hux, but worse. "You're lucky I know my limits. If she hadn't done it herself, I'm sure my fist would've broken your jaw." Ben spat before turning around and walking off, Hux standing up straight and giving you two a dirty look as he rubbed his cheek.

Forcefully shoving yourself through crowds of people as your eyes burned with furious tears, you hadn't realized Ben had been calling you until you felt someone pull you to a side. "Hey, hey, listen to me..." Gently holding onto your chin as he made you look up, Ben's free hand held onto your upper arm as he slightly crouched to be at your eye level. "Don't let him get to you, alright? He can't do shit. He's just a jealous bastard who thinks his words can scare us."

Taking in deep breaths as your eyes locked onto Ben's, you shook your head and rubbed your eyes. "You don't know him, Ben. He knows people, lots of people—he knows journalists and editors, he could easily spread the word. For all we know he had secret cameras recording us!"

Wiping the few tears away, Ben's voice softened. "So what? The word gets out that we're together, then what? It isn't like it's going to ruin anything-"

"Ben, my parents... they're exactly how they were in our past life. Like Hux said, they would be absolutely furious that I'm dating someone much older than me rather than someone a few months apart. Do you honestly think they'd want me to date a business man?"

Seeing Ben arch an eyebrow, he nodded. "Uh... yes? Isn't that kinda like every parents dream?"

Rolling your eyes, you sighed, "Not for mine. They prefer I be single than date around unless it's someone else from the hospital." Throwing your hands up, you grunted. "They're so hypocritical! It's unfair that my brother was able to marry this woman who he met at a damn bar yet I have to marry someone who's a stupid doctor!"

Moving his hands onto your cheeks, Ben shook his head. "They have no say in who you get to marry, alright? Like you said, you're a grown woman. This isn't like how it was before, we're not at war and I'm not the enemy. We're a pair of human beings who feel a normal emotion that is love towards one another. They seriously can't stop you from being happy, alright? No matter what, this is your life and you get to choose who you want to be with—not them."

"I know... I just, I don't want them being upset with me..." You sighed. "I hate this, and I hate Hux. Why didn't I know this sooner? I would have never dated him!"

"I'm sure he would've eventually ended up in our lives and done the same, it's inevitable—except this time, we have a higher chance of staying together." Kissing your forehead, Ben pulled you into a hug. "We'll be fine, Hux won't do anything, he's just a douchebag who's jealous."

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