" y/n?!" Jeff slurred slightly.

Great hes drunk again.

You felt more tears prick your eyes. You hated Jeff when he was drunk. You poured soap on your arms and little bubbled formed.

"You didn't wait for me..?" Jeff's voice scared you. Jeff sounded beyond wasted and he reeked like pot. His eyes were glazed and distant. This man in front of you wasn't Jeff, he was a different person when he was wasted.

The curtain was shoved back and cold air was let in. Jeff pushed you against the tile. He was fully clothed.. Which didn't seem to matter to him, he played with his belt and his pants dropped. He poured soap on your shoulders, it dripped down your chest and onto your stomach, his leathery hands made circles on your chest, forming more bubbles. You groaned slightly and he kissed your neck. You didnt make a sound and tears started to form. You shut your eyes and Jeff pulled away.

"Huh..? Whats wrong..?" He asked rubbing his soapy hand on your cheek. You opened your eyes and soon you were staring into Jeff's. You shook your head and kissed him, giving him what he wanted. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, Jeff wouldn't care if you were sad anyway, in fact your pretty sure crying turned him on more. He kissed back and you felt more tears spill out. He grabbed your wrists and pinned him above of you head.

"Ah!" You moaned digging your nails into Jeff's pale skin forming red marks and opening scrapes he had. He propped you up on the cool shower title, water poured over you guys.

15 minuets later Jeff finished and set you down.

" thanks.." Jeff kissed your cheek and rose off leaving the shower. You panted slightly as you slowly sank to the floor. You heard his wet foot prints leave the bathroom. More tears came and you didn't bother to wipe them, the shower hid your sadness.

That night was the night you were going to leave..

"Jeff..." You whispered. You sat at his feet as he watched the news.

"What..?"  He asked annoyed. You rested your head on his knee.

" i love you.." You whispered again and you looked up at him.

" love you too i guess.." He mumbled staring at the TV.

" four found slaughtered tonight at a local camp ground, police fear its the work of a serial killer who has been connected two of the three homicides in the last month.."

Jeff was still covered in fresh blood. You knew what he did but you never really knew the details about it. The truth is you didnt care, so in a way, you were as fucked up as he was.

That's how he caught you.

That's how he got you to stay for so long.
You crawled up on the couch and laid on Jeff again. He smelled like blood, sweat booze and fear, the sent that you loved. His face still had blood on it, so did his hands, his clothes were covered in it and there was some in his hair. You knew he killed people and you didn't stay out of fear. You stayed cause you liked it.

Were you an accessory to murder? Maybe.

You laid your head on his lap and he ran his fingers through your hair.

" you know..."

You looked up to him and he looked down at you.

" for a human, you're not that shitty."

You squeezed him slightly.

You loved Jeff...  in fact... You were well.. infatuated.

This sounds... Well cliché... But he was the first one to ever truly make your heart beat. You don't know why, he was an is escaped mental patient, but you liked that. It excited you... But then again you had some problems yourself. You just felt an unbearable connection. You needed to be with Jeff... And.. Jeff needed you. Well.. That's what you told yourself.

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