I Need a Guardian: Crumble Beginnings

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Every toss of the blanket and turn of the body, (Name) just couldn't get comfortable. Nightmare after nightmare plagued their slumber time and time again. The last straw snapped into pieces when the last nightmare struck. (Name), plunged into the depths of what appeared to be space, glared at their enemy, a shadowy beast with claws and fangs and far too many eyes than necessary. Without any warning, the monster charged, mouths agape, and cracked the shiny (color) armor (Name) donned right in half. It fell down to the abyss below the two, and (Name) was left defenseless in front of their foe. That's when it again lunged at the unfortunate human.

(Name) jolted awake and sat up, breathing fast and shaky breaths, heart pounding unnaturally quick. Just yet another bad dream. (Name) calmed themself enough to move, and without another wasted moment, crept all the way to the kitchen for a very late night snack. Once finished with their (food), they returned to their sleeping quarters in the hopes of getting some form of rest. This was the usual routine now.
Then came the fateful dream that would change the human's life forever.
Dressed in a raggy yet comfortable garb, (Name) found themself in some sort of typical fairytale village full of busy and wandering people. They were curious to explore this world, but never got the chance, as all of a sudden, bells rung out and the people all swarmed to the very center of the place where a polished fountain stood. Assumably, an elder or person of importance stepped out from the crowd. He was holding some mystic looking cane or object in his hand. He called for all the youth and newcomers to approach and stand in a line before him. (Name) came out of the circle of people, as did some others. He pointed the staff object at each person and stopped at (Name). They panicked. Did they offend him somehow?
The elder led (Name) out of the wall of people and to an entrance or exit of the village. He claimed that (Name) was different and didn't belong in the village, and that they were special. (Name) felt confused. Did they have to leave? Before telling the human to leave, the elder bestowed a gift on them. It was their spirit animal, a (creature). He wished them both luck and told (Name) where to go on their adventure to defeat the evil devastating them every night.
The journey began.

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