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Well-known for 'The Cinderella's Bad Boy'

When did you join Wattpad and why?

I joined Wattpad three years back. Originally I had joined the site because I was a hardcore book addict. But halfway through,  I got inspired to write so I began writing as well

How did it feel like when you posted your first story on Wattpad?

I was actually a bit nervous to post my first story. I wasn't sure if it was good enough but I guess I forgot the nerves once I began posting chapters because it was a fun thing to do and that was all I had in mind as I wrote it. Plus I had the biggest support I.e my best friend who read whatever I wrote and however I wrote it. Till date she is the biggest support for everything I do.

Who/What influenced your writing?

I started writing in secret at first. No one knew I wrote. But at one point of time, I gathered enough courage to tell my best friend and the way she encouraged me to continue, made me more confident with each phrase I wrote.

Your inspiration?

My inspiration to write came from reading itself. Sometimes I kept imagining scenarios that compelled me to form more ideas.

Your reaction when your book became successful?

I had never considered that I could get a million reads and get appreciated for my writing skills. It was really thrilling to find people liking my books. It was a big encouragement to continue to improve my writing.

Your advice to the younger generation of writers?

Writing can only be successful if it comes from inside you. Never force yourself to write because then you don't put your heart into it. Keep trying to learn from wherever possible. Pour your heart into the words you write and then you'll know how good it feels to let it out. Good Luck. :)

By the courtesy of Cupcake2027

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