know your zodiac

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This is just a part where you get to know what your zodiac is. Perhaps you're Pisces, Gemini, Aquarius? - Anyway. Have you seen many zodiac books and you want a warriors-related one? Well, this book is one of the few on Wattpad!

ARIES ♈: 29 March - 19 April

TAURUS ♊: 20 April - 20 May

GEMINI ♊: 21 May - 20 June

CANCER ♋: 21 June - 22 July

LEO ♌: 23 July - 22 August

VIRGO ♍: 23 August - 22 September

LIBRA ♎: 23 September - 22 October

SCORPIO ♏: 23 October - 21 November

SAGITTARIUS ♐: 22 November - 21 December

CAPRICORN ♑: 22 December - 19 January

AQUARIUS ♒: 20 January - 19 February

PISCES ♓: 20 February - 28 March

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