"This boy is cold. Will I be able to see the girl who warm his heart and guide him to the best happiness?" Francis whispered.
"By the way, are the roses doing good? "
"Oui mon cher... They are glowing in the gloomy garden and spreading their beauty through your ugly plants."
"Oh good for y-... HEY Don't say cruel things about my little babies, you jerk!"
Antonio jumped on Francis and ruffled his hair playfully ignoring the annoyed French.

30 kilometers from the villa in the middle of forest, Gilbert sat in his car outside the mall waiting for the girls to finish thier shopping before going home.
The five girls were enjoying the chatting and eating the sweets they ordered at their favorite cafe.

"We didn't go shopping like this for ages. The last time we did was before two months."Elizabetha murmured before putting a piece of chocolate cake in her mouth.
"Yeah. I can't understand how those guys are enjoying boring hobbies. How can a funny guy like Antonio enjoy gardening instead of more exciting activities?!" Bella said, playing with her waffle by the fork.
"That's better than spending his time with Gilbert and Francis. The three of them become crazier when they hang together and start running after women." Michelle joined the conversation after she finished her pancake.
"M.. Maybe they act like that, but the guys in our team can be intresting. Especially at games, it's exciting to watch them play and challenge each other." Lili whispered , stopped drinking her strawberry milkshake mid way.
"What about your brother, Natalia? He seems enjoying watching more than joining any activity, and most of the time he check the guns and clean them. " Bella asked Natalia who drank her coffee silently.
"Big brother used to grow sunflowers in our garden in the past. Yesterday he told me that the most intresting thing he like recently is watching the others argue."
The girls shivered at this creepy info while Natalia said it like was a normal fact. Suddenly Eliza's mobile rang with certain piano music.

"Für Elise, ha? You never change this ringtone even though you're not a big fan of Beethoven." Bella said while resting her face on her hand. Eliza just laughed it off and answered the phone.
" What's up, Gilbert?"
" Are you going to sleep in the mall? I am an awesome person to stay like this in the car!! "
Eliza sighed and pressed the red button.
" Is Gilbert complaining again?" Bella smirked
"He is. How did you know?"
"The only one who can make my Eliza sigh like this is Gil. I envy you guys, since you know each other since childhood."
"Knowing someone like Gilbert isn't something you envy Bella. I swear sometimes he drives me crazy because of his actions."
"But admit it, you enjoy his company. Especially when you're depressed or bored, he tries his best to lighten your mood."

Elizabetha stared at her dish. Bella was right. Ever since elementary school when she met Gil, the guy was a good friend. He didn't know she was a girl at first, so they fought alot. They were known for their bloody fights that no one imagined them becoming friends. People didn't know the two of them secretly understood each other and became more like rivals.
At intermidiate school, she laughed for ages at the picture of shocked Gilbert when he knew she is a girl. His face was priceless; However, that didn't change the realitionship. In fact, they became closer. They even spent days at each others houses.

At secondary school, everything changed. She met the person she fell in love with.

When Gilbert knew, he paid his congrats for her. He even tried his best to make the two of them have more time with each other. But there was no more hanging with him. Instead, Gilbert spent his time with Francis and Antonio.
After graduation, she got married. How happy she was!
She was...

In the car, the same memories were hunting the bored Albino. He wished to remove this memories, but it was hard.
"Gah! If they stayed one more minute I'm gonna be crazy!!"
He kept groaning and making weird faces not paying attention to the girls who stood there watching him.
Bella smirked "like he doesn't look crazy this way."
The girls nodded while Elizabetha face palmed wondering when will this guy act like a sane grown adult.

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