"Eeee!!!" They squealed again.

"Maybe another time then?" He walked away.

'Now that, that's taken care of, I should get back to my break. I have 10 minutes left'

He sat back at his table, eating.

"Excuse me? Do you work here?" A low voice says out in the open.

"Hm?.." Sebastian looked up "Yes, I do.. Do you need help sir?"

He shook his head.

"Ok.. Then what is it?"

"I saw you talking to those women over there"

"Is that a problem? Cause if it is, I won't mind getting into a fight with you" He chuckled.

The man sat down "I do not want to fight. But I do have an issue with that"

"And that is?"

He sighed "They are the girls I am keeping an eye on until they're parents get back. And I would appreciate it if you didn't flirt with them"

Sebastian held back his laugh "S-so you're babysitting them?.."


He tried so hard to keep it in "Oh.." But instead let it all out, laughing at the other.

He got quite upset "Are we good?"

"I'm sorry about that.." He cleared his throat "Not quiet yet"

"What is it?"

"I never caught your name"

"It's Claude Faustus.. And yours is?"

"Sebastian Michaelis"

"Ok.. Are we done now?.."



"I would like to hang with you sometime. You seem interesting to me"


"I've never met people like you. You look like a tough guy but instead you're a nice guy"

Claude pushed up his glasses "For your information. I am a tough guy. I own a gym"

"Really?" He was surprised for a second.

"Yes, I do. In fact, you go to that gym"


"You registered there a long time ago."

"Ok.. If you knew my name then why didn't you tell me in the first place?"

"Because that would start out as a bad conversation"

"Hmph.." He crossed his arms.

"Anyhow. If you would want to hang out like you said. Here's my number" He held out a card to him.

"Thanks" Sebastian took it.

"And I'm guessing I will see you soon enough at the gym"


Claude chuckled "Goodbye" He excused himself.

Sebastian stared at him 'Dumbass..'


It was time to close down the coffee shop.

The manager decided to stay back and close it down himself.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Amon"

"Ok, see ya Sebastian" They both went separate ways.

Sebastian took out his keys, pressing a button on it to turn on his car.

Once he got in, driving out of the parking lot and heading home, he saw the sun setting.

"Well.. Will you look at that. The sun looks beautiful"

He received a call "Who could that be?" He hooked it up to the radio, answering it.


"Sebastian, are you almost home yet?"

'It's just Ciel'

"No, not yet. I'm barely on my way. Why? Did something happen?"

"No, I was just wondering since Lizzy was getting worried cause you didn't answer your home phone"

"Why would you call me there? I have my own phone you know"

"I know! That's what I told Lizzy! But she didn't want to!"

"I'm sorry! I had no idea! Also, hello Sebastian!" Lizzy giggled.

"Hello Elizabeth, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I am doing well. Thanks for asking"

"Anyways, Sebastian..Your friend is at our house.." Ciel shrugged.

"Which friend?"

"I don't know, Claude something"

"Why the hell is he there?" Sebastian got annoyed.

"I don't know!"

Sebastian sighed "I'm on my way over there to pick him up. For now, give him something to eat or drink at least"

"Ugh.. Fine.." He ends the call


Sorry if there's some misspelled words.

I rushed through it XD

But I hope you enjoy the new story!!

Typical Days [ Claude x Sebastian ]Where stories live. Discover now