5 - Ridiculously Impossible

Start from the beginning

   On my team I got Laurance while Cadenza and Lucinda on the other team. Fair share, I guess? Because Cadenza IS pretty good with shooting hoops. REALLY good, actually.

   In the end, my batch went head-to-head against Lucinda and Cadenza's batch and we won. Of course, being this werewolf guy as the MVP which is what we all expected since he was really good.

   "Laurance!" I ran to him to give him a high-five. "We won! We really did! I CANNOT believe it! We won, we won, we won!!" I keep squealing.

   "Yes, yes, we did. Calm down. How about this, because we won, I treat you at Krispy Kreme?" Laurance says. He knows it's my favorite because I literally just announced it to the whole group. But only HE knows my favorite donut.

   "YOU WILL?!" I said excitedly.

   "Yes, I will. Because I'm awesome like that." His ego-tastic statement barely even processed in my mind.

   "I shall tell Cadenza to tell your father that you have been lying!" I joke.

   "You think I'm lying? I'm really gonna buy you your donut!" He smirked.


   He laughed. I do, too. Hanging with Laurance has been amazing and even if Lucinda's my best friend, I'll dare say he's much more fun to be with.

   "So, shall I pick you up later or we could just head there after school if you want?" Laurance.

   "Let's head there after school. I cannot wait another minute for those donuts!"

   "You're gonna get fat if you keep being like that."

   "I won't! I'm physically fit." I bragged.

   "But not mentally." He teased.

   "You guys!" Cadenza called as she ran over to us with Lucinda walking behind her. "Great game. But I'll beat you next time!"

   "Whatever. Let's just get changed and head to our next class." Lucinda.

   "Lucinda's such a sport." Laurance whispered to me sarcastically as we started to walk off. I just laughed and agreed with him. It's like we've known each other for years instead of two months, we're THAT close already. Well, not really. I still haven't told anyone about my secrets and struggles.

   Anyway, it's been fun though. I thought at first I was for sure a loner but then thanks to Aphmau, I found my gang, my friends.


   After Maths with Nicole and Travis (did I mention the agony because of those freaking pollydials?), Laurance and I headed to Krispy Kreme and said our goodbyes to the group.

   "So, how was Maths? I know much you just LOVE that subject." Laurance teased as we sat in a table waiting for our donuts and drinks. His being Glazed with Caramel Frappe and mine being <insert fave drink and donut here, comment if you want>.

   "Don't freaking remind me." I said, making the depressiveness obvious in my tone.

   "What's your topic anyways?"

   "Pollydials." I rolled my eyes.

   He laughed hysterically making the people look our direction and at him like he's crazy.

   "Uhh....haha? I know, funny joke." I said aloud awkwardly. I can't pretend I don't know him his time since we're across each other at a table. And everyone knows you can't just sit across a stranger unless you're really as pathetic as Ivy. Jk!

   "You know those are 'polynomials', right? And they're basic sophomore math." He said, barely done with laughing.

   My jaw dropped. Oh. So that was why he was laughing and not because of the fact that he just lost his mind.

My Way? - Laurance x Reader (PDH Version)Where stories live. Discover now