Secret Ambition

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It's not a mystery that being an artist mean having a job rely almost entirely on luck, you need to have enough of it to get by and sometimes it's hard to get anywhere at all. But the prospect of turning my lifelong aspiration into reality is far too intriguing to pass on.

What most artist certainly need is practice. Nothing is easy to achieve and to achieve anything, you require a lot of practice whether it's by yourself or with a teacher of some sort. For me personally, I have been practicing drawing ever since I was able to hold a pencil. Because my lack of education on the matter, it was harder for me to figure out how to draw certain objects but practice makes perfect and now I am closer to my goal than I was before.

Without a doubt, an artist requires originality. It is incredibly vital for an artist to develop their own personal style instead of copying from other artists. It's usually hard for an artist to find out what specific style they possess but the style will be clearer after some months or probably years of experience. 

Last but foremost, having fun. Some people misunderstood the reason that help an artist continue working. Most artists don't just aim straight for the fame and money because it's extremely difficult to work on anything if you hate your job. 

There is an artistic style in all of us, the only problem left is getting it out for the world to see and what better way to do that other than practice and having fun along with the help of an expert on 'Masterclass'?

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