Chapter II - Back Again

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*~Bill's Point of View~*

Waking up in a plane of darkness that's not the Dreamscape or the Mindscape terrified Bill. He remembered the Pines family defeating him and it enraged him, but he was surprised that he survived through that. Even if he was a demon who didn't experience death until now. His triangular body ached with pain. He thought pain was hilarious but now that he's feeling it with his own body, he was having second thoughts.

"Stupid Pines family...I'll get them for this." The demon mumbled, trying to sit up. His one eye blinked a bunch of times before his sight cleared. First, he saw some sort of screen showing a kid about 16. With messy (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes that seemed tired and completely depressed. Bill tried floating to the screen, but he felt powerless. There was no way his powers left him, right? He tried changing into some type of form but he remained as his normal and basic form. He let out an angered roar. He was seriously going to get revenge once he got his powers back.

Bill watched the boy get out of the car he was in. There stood a dusty house in front. "Why am I watching this human? Is he even important?" The demon asked to no one in particular. The man, who seemed to be the boy's father, got out of the driver's side and piped up.

"She's a beauty! Looks like we got the best deal." The boy grinned slightly at his father but went back to his depressed state. Bill watched intently as he watched each scene unfold. Apparently, the boy's parents divorced. Poor guy, Bill pitied him slightly. Then came to a part to that horrendous Mystery Shack. Bill almost raged when he suddenly got an idea. This guy must be the solution to getting him back on track! He crawled slowly towards to the screen and whispered.

"Find me."

The boy was surprised and turned around. Bill laughed slightly at the boy's sudden fear. He missed doing that. How long has he been out? The boy walked out of the shack and met Shooting Star.

Bill watched through everything. The boy seemed acquanted with the twins and Bill suddenly felt a warm anger swell inside of him. It's not revenge though. Suddenly, he felt a strong pain where his 'heart' was supposed to be and collapsed down. How was he getting this pain?! Unconsciously, he repeated the same words he said to the boy earlier.

"Find me!"

Before he knew it, Bill passed out.

A little while later, he awoken again. He was still in the same plane of darkness, only that the light from the screen wasn't so bright. He looked at it once again, seeing the boy again.

He was dreaming. But Bill wasn't sure if he can invade this kid's mind just yet. But he tried anyway. He managed to get into his mind, but he was so drained, he collapsed to his knees, panting. No powers until later. He heard a gasp and he saw the boy. He wore a long-sleeved shirt with penguins decorating its (F/c) background. He also wore (F/c) checkered shorts and a pendant that looked like his eye. If Bill had cheeks, he would've blushed a bit. He stood up.

"Hey kid." The demon greeted.

"W-Who are you? Where am I?!" The boy asked fearfully. Bill sighed. Were all humans this fearful? It was funny, but come on, at least show some confidence for a bit. He walked towards the human boy, only to fall face-first onto the floor. It's official. Life was a complete jerk. And he was forced to be stripped of his own powers until he probably did something. The boy giggled a bit. Bill glared at him, causing him to stop.

"You know, it'd be better if you'd just listen to me and let me do all the asking. Alright, what's your name."

The boy hesistated before finally gathering all the right words. "(M/n) (L/n)." He said, trying to hide the trembling in his voice. Bill stopped in front of him. He looked up at the human boy. "Bill Cipher. If I had any powers right now, I could've floated to your height, but right now, I don't."

(M/n) wasn't sure what to do about that, but he sat cross-legged on the floor, staring at the triangular demon confusingly.

"Soo, where am I?" He asked.

"You're in the Dreamscape. You're physical body is sleeping. Look kid, I got something to tell you." Bill walked up to him and stared directly into his eyes. Soft (E/c) eyes that looked like he wanted to hear every bit of his problem. He breathed in...and out.

"I need you, (M/n). I have to regain back my powers to do some...things. And I think you're my one-way ticket to gaining them back. So I have to make a deal with you. A deal that will bond our lives together until we fulfill this deal. So please..." Bill kneeled and gripped on the floor. "You have to help me."

Silence filled the plane and it rang in (M/n)'s ears. Bill wasn't sure if he was making the right decision, but he was desperate. It was miserable having no powers. Finally, he heard (M/n) say something.

"Okay. I'll help you bring your powers back." He said with a smile. Bill's eye widened and he thanked the human boy. He was never so thankful to a human ever in his life, but he guessed this was the first time. He stood up and held out his hand, bursting into blue flames. (M/n) steppes back a bit, his hand trembling. Oh no, he wasn't having second thoughts, was he? Suddenly, a hand firmly grasped Bill's and the deal commenced.

It felt as if something tied itself onto him but he didn't bother to know what it was. He was just relieved that he's gonna get his powers soon. But that relief was gone when he bounced back to the plane of darkness, hitting his nonexistent head. Oh boy, the boy was awake.

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