Part 2

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-Doey went flying across the room,you heard the poor guy hit the wall with a loud thud,you quickly went to rush over to it but someone's tentacles were holding you in place.
"-im not talking to you,that was unesscary" you huffed as you tried tearing away from its grip,it wrapped its arm around you,you felt its body rumble with a low growl.You pushed against it,it's arms tightened around you and you felt it rub its featureless face against your neck.

You then heard screaming,it was doey and he was running straight for you and tapey.
The grip around you ceased and now you were being held in the air,looked up to by doey,it's eyes gleamed as its content gaze rested on you.You smiled down to it,and it smiled back with its crimson caked teeth.Pulling you in,it wrapped its long and snow like  arms around your frame,burying its face in your shoulder.

That was a bad move

Tapey and his gang of tentacles ripped doe boy from you,holding it high in the air,strangling doey.You ran over to tapey and gripped its arm.
It snapped its head down to you and dropped doey,it dropped down to its knee and began rubbing its head needily against your stomach,hugging your torso.
Doey was up now,and glaring straight at tapeys nuzzle love action,you hadn't only noticed until it was too late.Doey tackled tapey boy to the ground and you stumbled back,landing against the exit.Just as the thought of rushing into help came to mind you were suddenly pulled back by two arms,it was them again.The door shut and they turned you,walking out from the cells unit they led you down a hall and into a lab-well at least it looked like one.

Now laying in your room,tired and exhausted from all the tests those crazy ass researchers had made you do,you turned getting ready to sleep.Closing your eyes your thoughts of sleep were soon cleared as the breach siren alarmed
The door slammed open and the two numbnuts stormed in,grabbing you,just as fast as they had come in and rushing you out.Coming out into the hall,the sound of quick approaching footsteps could be heard,the guards quickly raised and readied their aims.

It was doey again.
"Okay hold up" you said as you began to make your way towards it,the two guards tried to grab for you but you had already been half way down the hall.Doey skidded to a stop infront of you,stopping abruptly it then swiftly swooped you up within its arms.
"You know you have to go back to your cell.." you admitted as it squeezed your now blushed cheeks "-i can take you back if you'd like" a smile seemed to form on its pale face and it gave you a small nod,still holding you it began walking the way it had come from,holding your frame tightly against its own.

Arriving at its cell,it refused to let you go,burying its face in your chest as the guards yelled for you to hurry up and contain it.You sighed "-you'll see me again dont worry"
you gave it a small peck on the face.Putting you down,it latched its hand upon your wrist,leaning in it kissed your hand.The door closed with a loud thud and those two bone heads of yours dragged you off once again.

everyone had been confined to a room for an hour,waiting upon the guards to clean up what ever bloodied mess doey had left behind-so when your door suddenly clicked open you jumped "move it" demanded one of the guards,sighing,you got up and proceeded to follow them as usual.Arriving to the new unit,you waited as one of the guards unlocked the door.Upon the door opening you saw what looked to be a man dressed in that of a plague suit-along with the mask,working on what looked to be another inmate..another dead inmate.You stepped in nervously,staring at the covered man the whole time,it was only when the door clicked shut that he looked up from his work.

"Oh my..."

You heard him say as your nose began to tingle.Grabbing your nose you rubbed it before "-HACHU!"
you sneezed before sneezing again,again and again.


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