I took off my googles and let them hang around my neck. My glittering pink eyes, that were so much like my mothers, met hers. I gave her a smile and lifted a hoof to show her no harm was done. She was simply having fun, as I hope she would. I had plenty of spare time anyway to pick up some odd jobs to replace it.

Pinky frowned. "Are you sure? Like absolutely positively sure? Cause I'd help get a new one!" The mare smiled again, leaning right in my face, as expected from a pony like her. I could see her pupils dilate ever so slightly in anticipation.

I gave her a wider smile and nodded. I was absolutely sure I didn't need any help, and Pinky knew I was. We just clicked. Both being party ponies made us in sync with one another's thoughts. It could have been a whole lot harder if the one who broke my amp was someone like Rarity. Not only  the fact she's not one much for crazy for wild parties, but she's so generous. I'd have to beg her not to buy me a new one. And I know the unicorn would forever insist, being the store was in Canterlot.

I came to, and bopped the earth pony's nose to tell her to get back to partying, as she does best. I didn't need her here being sorry. She was a pony of fun. Sugar was constantly  running through her veins, making her as sweet as she was. Before the mare did  leave, she gave me a sickingly tight hug.

"Okay Vinyl! But just let me know if you need anything...and I mean anything! I am willing to die for the most awesome DJ!" Pinky Pie stated, finally letting go. I had turned a bit blue in the face, but I relaxed, letting oxygen once again fill my lungs.

I don't care much for the thought of Pinky dying for me. I got magic to save me. The scary thing is I know she would do as she said. The earth pony isn't as loyal as some folk, but she's an amazing pony, and willing fight for all of us until she was dead and broken. She is so sweet. I gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder before fixing my googles and returning to my set up.

See? We completely resolved that little problem without me saying anything. I don't need to. Sometimes things are better that way. It's a lot simpler than any other pony's life, and it can really show you how open and understanding everyone is. Yet, it gets a little tough now and again...but I've been silent for years. I know a thing or two.

The rest of the party went smoothly, yet slightly quieter, from the busted amp. But my skills can make up for that loss. As long as the faces in the crowd were all happy ones, I will continue...happily.

    As the night grew darker, and Luna's porcelain moon higher overhead, the swarm of ponies began to thin. I switched to something a little more chill for all the goodbyes instead of the loud rap that was happening earlier.

    Goodbyes are weird. There is no guarantee when you will see that pony again, if ever. Sometimes goodbye is for always, and those are the hardest. You're left to wonder if and can they think of you as much as you think of them. The wonder begins to eat you alive...it's awful. The prick begins in your heart and quickly spreads like fire. Only the sensation is colder than ice.

    I shiver at the thought and shake it out of my head before looking around. The crowd was pretty much gone, so just like Pinky, I started to pack up.

    It's not as hard as one may think, especially with my magic, to move everything into my cart. First go the amps, next are the tables and vinyls on top. Once I was sure everything was secure I trotted on over to the birthday filly's parents...who also happened to be pegasi.

    Pinky had already collected her bits. "Why thank you my good sir and lady! I'm sure this will go to proper use!" She promised, saluting the couple before trotting off. That pony wasn't right in the head, but I loved it! So did every pony.

    The two chuckled and turned to me. "Oh, we didn't forget about you deary!" The mare grinned, handing me a small sack of which held the exact amount of bits. Being for my lack of voice, I bowed in gratitude, using my magic to place it in my saddle bag.  They seem to understand well enough. "Have a good night sweetheart." The stallion waved as I turned my back.

    After hitching myself up to my cart, I endured a rather long walk home. I had to stop behind a shop to throw the trashed amp into a large dumpster, but I eventually made it to my crib. After parking the cart I brought everything in the house at once which probably wasn't the best idea.

    The strain of my magic  gave me an awful headache. The room was spinning in awkward directions and my head throbbed. I took some aspirin, using as little magic as I could, before passing out on the worn out couch that stayed in the center of my living room.

Sleep is a beautiful thing...because I somehow don't get upset with myself if I talk in my dreams. I have the voice of a hot rock singer, though I know that unlikely to happen in real life.

Anyways, I am able to sing. That's a flaw of not having a voice. You can easily go without talking, but lyrics are a beautiful pattern that I constantly dream of leaving my lips. The taste of song is sweeter than anything Pinky can make, and it's sound could melt any pony's heart. I wish I could repeat what I hear in my sleeping escape.

The dreams are frequent and leave me with enough to write half of a song...that will hopefully one day be finished...hopefully one day will be heard.

As all good things, my dream ends and I'm greeted by sun to the face, nearly blinding me. Thanks a lot, Celestia. I think to myself and stretch.

I start this day as any. I head outside and collect the mail, and trot back in. Good thing my headache is gone, otherwise I'd be struggling with these ever so simple tasks.

After pouring myself a bowl of childish cereal, that was more so just sugar, I sat in my chair and began flipping through the envelopes that were delivered by my good friend Derpy. One crisp card lined with sapphire ink caught my eye.

Ms. Vinyl Scratch, the Princesses of Equestria would like to invite you to The Grand Galloping Gala.

My jaw dropped and the spoon, along with bits of chewed cereal, fell onto the floor. How did I, of all ponies, end up invited to something as great as this?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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