Day 2:

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May 31, today is Everly's first day of camp. She had unloaded all of her stuff in her cabin and went searching for her group.

"Hi I'm meghan" ,the young girl in camp said, "Are you the new kid in camp".

"Hi" ,said Everly, "Do you know where group3 is".

"Yes I'm also in that group, the 6th obstacle" explained meghan.

"Thank you" , she said. So everly was on her way to her group when somebody stopped her.

"Hi I'm Tiffany" ,said the girl from group6, "Who are you?" So she went to the group and it turns out she knew the group leader. The leader was her mom

"Mom?" ,she said. So after she found out that the leader was her mom she tried harder to empress her and it turns out she won. So during the break she went to the cabin and wrote.

Dear diary,
Today I started my first day of camp and it was awsome. I made two new friends. Their names were Meghan and Tiffany. I won the first obstacle course.

Everly M. Altherr

The DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora