Two months later

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A/N- Warning mention of a stillborn.
Ted and Victoire stood on the door step waiting. Ted had just rung the door bell. He hopped his dad would answer the door, not his mum. No such luck. "Hey, Dora" Victoire said.

Dora beamed at her. She had on a muggle tee shirt and ripped jeans. Her stomach was much bigger than last time which Ted noticed. "Come in, Remus had to head up to the school to take care of some business" Dora said.

Ted let Victoire go in first then he followed. They sat on the couch as Dora took Remus's chair. "I heard that dad was retiring" said Ted.

He just wanted something to say to his mum. Ted wasn't really thrilled with things right now and wanted nothing really to do with his mum at the moment. Dora smiled at her son. "Well, he is but, there are things that he needs to finish up and get done. As well, as talk to the new DADA professor" said Dora.

Ted did not return the smile nor did he answer her. Victoire looked at her husband. She loved Dora alot but, it was not her place to be the one to speak to her the whole time they were there. Ted gave her a look that said I don't want to talk to her. He was being a big brat about the whole thing. "Well, I am sure he is thrilled in some way and in other ways he isn't. I am sure he will miss teaching" said Victoire trying to make small talk.

Tonks gave them each a smile. "He is glad to be retiring, but like you said Tory he will miss teaching. They had a retirement party for him. It was kind of fun, but boring. Minerva thought it was best to have it before the end of the year" Dora said.

Victoire let out a laugh at that. She found it funny. "Sounds like it would have been fun" said Ted speaking up.

Dora stood up and walked over to him. She sat next to him and gave him a hug. "I know how you're feeling Ted, but you have to let it go. This is something that just happened. You know your father and I love you very much" said Dora.

Ted gave a nod, but didn't speak. He wondered why they were trying to get him to be happy about it. "Mum, I don't want to hear it. I am not thrilled and nothing is going to change that" Ted stated.

He mind was made up. Ted had plenty of time to think about it and he wasn't going to be happy. Remus stepped in the room. "Son, maybe we should tell you a story about your sister" Remus said taking a seat next to his wife.

Ted looked to his parents letting go of his mum. "What do you mean my sister" said Ted.

He was very curious now and wanted to know the story. His parents never told him about a sister. Ted wanted to know and maybe he would get some answers. Tonks leaned into Remus trying to hide her face from them so they wouldn't see the tears that started to fall. "Well, you were three years old at the time when your mother found out she was pregnant again" Remus started.

Ted had an idea where this was going. He spoke up. "So what happened to her?" He asked.

He knew it was a girl from what his father had said. Remus continued knowing Tonks wouldn't be able to speak. "Your mum was five months pregnant when she lost her. She fell down the stairs and had a stillborn. There was nothing the doctors could do, she was already gone when we went to St. Mango's."

Ted gave a nod to his father and wanted to hug his mum, but didn't know if it was the right time or if it would help. "So what was her name? Also why didn't you ever tell me?" asked Ted.

He wasn't angry, just curious as to why they never said a thing to him. Tonks sat up looking at her son. She didn't have a smile on her face. "We named her Hope after your father's mum. She was so cute for being so small. It was hard to talk about it and when you got old enough to know we just didn't think about telling you" said Tonks.

"By that point you had stopped asking for a sibling and we weren't sure how to tell you about your lost sister" Remus stated.

Victoire had tears in her eyes now. Ted leaned in to give his mum a hug. "I am sorry. You could have told me, but I understand why you didn't. It had to be painful. Is there a grave?" asked Ted.

Remus gave a nod then gave his son a hug after Ted let go of his mum. "There is son. We could take you there" Remus said.

Ted gave a nod to his father. "I would like that" said Ted.

Remus and Tonks stood up, then went to sit across from them. "We can go when ever you want" said Remus.

Ted gave a them a smile. "So what brought you guys by?" Tonks asked.

Ted and Victoire shared a look. They wanted to tell their parents what they were having, but now they weren't sure. "Well, we found out what we are having" said Ted giving his parents a look.

Remus and Tonks beamed. Tonks had dried her tears. "So what is it?" asked Tonks.

Ted couldn't help, but smile. He took Victoire's hand before speaking. "Well, we found out it's a girl."

Remus smiled at his son. He was thrilled to be having a granddaughter. Sure it was sad thinking about the daughter he lost, but he thrilled that he would have a granddaughter to spoil. "Any names picked out yet?" Tonks asked with a big smile on her face.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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