Our Story

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The day had been a long one and Remus was glad to be home for the night. Today was the last day for the year. Remus sank into his chair drinking tea. "Dora please sit" Remus said picking his book up.

Dora was pacing back and forth. She was biting her nails. You could say she was nervous and with a good reason. She was currently three months pregnant with twins and they hadn't told their son yet. "I can't Remus, I will go crazy sitting" Dora replied but, she walked over and sat on his lap.

Remus smiled at her from behind his book. Teddy or Ted as he was now called was coming over with his wife for dinner. "Dora everything will be fine" Remus spoke in a rasp voice.

Remus sat his book down then his tea. He took one scared hand placing it on her stomach the other hand cupped her face. Remus place a gentle kiss on her lips. Once he pulled away she said. "So you say."

Dora returned the kiss then placed her hand on his. Remus laughed as he took his hand from his face and moved her hair so he could see her eyes. "It will. I am sure he will be shocked but, I am sure he will come around" Remus spoke as the door bell rang.

Teddy was standing outside with Victoire waiting to come in, they had some important news to tell his parents. "Teddy, please calm down" Victoire said.

She reached up to kiss his cheek. Teddy smiled and whipped his sweaty hands on his pants. "I'll try" Teddy said.

Dora got up and smiled at Remus. "You get the door while I put on tea" Dora spoke.

Remus grinned as he went to answer the door. Dora went to put on tea but, she was so nervous that she just stood there. "Hey dad" Ted said as Remus opened the door.

Victoire pulled Remus into a hug. Ted stood there for a moment watching. Victoire broke the hug. Remus stepped aside to let them in. "Where is mum?" Ted asked.

"In the kitchen" Dora called out.

Victoire went to help. Seeing the shove not on she put it on. "You alright Dora?" Victoire asked.

Now that she was older most people called her Dora and she didn't mind. Dora nodded as she looked at Victoire. "Yes just fine. I am just a bit tired" Dora replied.

Victoire took the tea off then grabbed a tray to put everything. She waited as Dora got plates. They went out there and sat. "So dad how is work?" Ted asked.

Remus beamed. He loved his job as a Professor. "Very good. I can't wait for the new year to start in three months. I know I will hear from James for not making him a prefect. Harry told me I made the right choice and I agree" Remus said.

Ted laughed as did Victoire. "Well we know he would have not done a good job anyways and I believe he would have not wanted it" Ted said.

Victoire smiled. "Yes. James pulled to many pranks anyways" Victoire stated.

Remus got up and started to walk towards the kitchen telling "Dora that she would be fine."

Dora groaned as Remus left the room. "Remus I am going to curse you" she stated.

Remus chuckled from the kitchen. Dora started playing with her hands as she got up. Ted looked at his mum who started to pace around the room. "You ok, mum?" He asked.

To him she looked real nervous. Dora nodded as she continued to walk. Ted noticed that her hair was brown and her clothes weren't as lose fitting. "I am fine" Dora snapped.


Remus came out from the kitchen. "Dora please calm down. Food is ready" Remus said.

Dora stormed into the kitchen. She sat in her normal place on the right side of the table. Remus sat next to her as their son and daughter-in-law sat across from them. "This is good, Remus" Victoire said digging in.

Ted smiled at his father. "It is dad. Mum how do you like being at home all the time?" He asked.

Dora was staring off into space. Her plate stood there untouched. "Dora, maybe we should tell them already" Remus said gently shaking her arm.

Dora looked at Remus. "Maybe we should" Dora replied.

Ted looked at them both. "We have something to say as well" Ted said.

Dora was still looking at Remus. So Remus spoke up. "Great well, I would like to go first. Your mother has been in a state all day" Remus said.

Dora gave Remus a dirty look. "I have not" she replied.

"Go on, Dad" Ted said.

His rather not see his parents fight. Remus leaned over and gave Dora a kiss on the cheek. "We found out that your mum is pregnant again. She is three months and we also found out that it is twins" Remus said.

Ted was about to take a bite when he dropped his fork. "What? How could you? You should have had kids when I was younger not now. I hate you both" Ted yelled.

Dora got up walking fast out the room almost tripping on the door frame as she went. "Ted please stop it? I know you are hurting" Remus started but, Teddy stopped him.

"Dad please stop now, I don't want to hear it."

Teddy got up running out of the room. He ran down the hall to his old room. Across the hall he could hear his mother crying. "Mum" he said crossing the hall.

The door was ajar so he went in. Dora was sitting on the bed her head in her hands crying. "What Teddy?" She asked.

Teddy sat on the bed putting an arm around her. "I am sorry mum. I don't know what I was thinking" Ted said.

Dora looked up with red eyes. "Ted, I want you to know we didn't plan this. It just happened" Dora said.


She knew Remus and her would have to tell the story of his sister who had died before she could even been born. Dora had lost her at seven months and they don't know what had caused it. Ted helped his mother up. "We should head back in there" Ted said.

They walked back to the kitchen where Remus and Victoire were sitting in silence. Dora sat down as did Ted. "So Ted should we tell them so they know why you got angry" Victoire said.

Ted looked at Victoire. He smiled as he did so. "Yes we should." Remus and Dora shared a look as she took a bite. "Well mum and dad we are expecting a baby. Victoire is one month pregnant."

Remus jumped up and hugged his son as Dora leaned over and gave Victoire a hug. "That is great son. I am happy for you" Remus spoke.

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